B Blue
B/B Back-Beam
B/C Business Class
B/D Bottom of Descent
BAABI Basic Approved ATA Breakdown Index
BAF Baffle
BAF BITE Access Function
BAFO Best and Final Offer
BAG Bandwidth Allocation Gap
BAL Basic Assembly Language
BARC Barometric Altitude Rate Computer
BARO Barometric
BAS Bleed Air System
BAT Battery (Electrical)
BATLC Battery Line Contactor
BB Building Block
BBAND Broadband
BBRG Ball Bearing
BC Baggage Container Train
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BCDS BITE Centralized Data System
BCF Brake Cooling Fan
BCL Battery Charge Limiter
BCM Backup Control Module
BCN Beacon
BCRC Bulk Crew Rest Compartment
BCRU Battery Charge and Rectifier Unit
BCS Brake Control System
BCU Brake Control Unit
BCV Bleed Control Valve
BCVS Bulk Cargo Video System
BDLI Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrt Industrie
BEL CRK Bellcrank
BER Beyond Economical Repair
BETW Between
BEV Bevel
BEW Basic Empty Weight
BFDAS Basic Flight Data Acquisition System
BFE Buyer Furnished Equipment
BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
BFR Buffer
BG Build Group (Assembly Group)
BGAN Broadband Global Area Network
BGC Build Group Component
BGM Boarding Music
BGS Build Group Stack-Up
BH Block Hours
BHD Bulkhead
BIOS Basic Input Output System
BIST Built-in Self Test
BITE Built-in Test Equipment
BIU BITE Interface Unit
BK Black
BK UP Back Up
BKFLW Backflow
BKUP Backup
BL Bleed
BLC Basic Lines Catalog
BLES Brake Life Extension System
BLG Body Landing Gear
BLK Black
BLK Block
BLKT Blanket
BLOW Blower
BLST Ballast
BLT Bolt
BLV Bleed Valve
BLW Below
BLWG Blowing
BLWR Blower
BM Beam
BM Bronze Mesh
BMC Bleed Monitoring Computer
BMI BITE Monitoring Interface
BMPS Bleed Monitoring Pressure Sensor
BMS Bulletin MÙtÙo SpÙcial
BMU Battery Management Unit
BND Bonded
BNDG Bonding
BNDRY Boundary
BNR Binary
BNR Binary Words
BO Blocking Oscillator
BO Body Odour
BOH Brake-Off Weight
BOMU Bleed and Overheat Monitoring Unit
BOS Business Operational Support
BOT Begin of Tape
BOT Bottom
BP Bottom Plug
BPI Brake Pressure Indicator
BPS Backup Power Supply
BPS Bleed Pressure Sensor
BPTU Brake Pedal Transmitter Unit
BR Brown
BRC Brace
BRD Braid
BRDG Bridge
BRG Bearing
BRK Brake
BRKNG Braking
BRKR Breaker
BRKS Brakes
BRKT Bracket
BRT Bright, Brightness
BSC Balanced Scorecard
BSCS Braking and Steering Control System
BSCU Braking/Steering Control Unit
BSHG Bushing
BSPKI Basic Services Public Key Infrastructure
BSU Beam Steering Unit
BT Bus Tie
BTAC Bus Tie AC Contactor
BTC Bus Tie Contactor
BTCM Brake Temperature Compensation Module
BTDC Bus Tie DC Contactor
BTL Bottle
BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System
BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit
BTN Button
BTR Bus Tie Relay
BTS Base Transceiver Station
BTS Bleed Temperature Sensor
BTU British Thermal Unit
BTV Brake to Vacate
BU Battery Unit
BUS Busbar
BUSS Back-Up Speed Scale
BWS Body Wheel Steering
BYDU Back-Up Yaw Damper Unit
BYP Bypass