R Radius
R Rankine
R Red
R Resistor
R Right
R Yaw Rate
R&D Research and Development
R/AD Retro/Adaptation Drawing
R/C Rate of Climb
R/D Rate of Descent
R/H Radar Height
R/hr Roentgens per Hour
R/I Radio/Inertial
R/I Removal/Installation
R/L Reading Light
r/min Revolutions per Minute
R/T Radio Transmit
R/T Receiver Transmitter Unit
RA Radio Altimeter, Radio Altitude
RA Redundancy Assurance
RA Resolution Advisory
RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System
RAC Rotor Active Clearance
RAC Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control
RACA Ram Air Channel Actuator
RACC Rotor Active Clearance Control
RACON Radar Beacon
RACSB Rotor Active Clearance Start Bleed
RAD Radio
RAD Roll Anticipation Distance
RADCON Radar Data Converter
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RadM Radioactive Material
RADVR Random Access Digital Video Reproducer
RAI Ram Air Inlet
RAIL Runway Alignment Indicator Light System
RAIMS Radio and Audio Integrating Management System
RALS Recording and Aircraft Locating System
RALTU Reprogrammable Annunciator Light Test Unit
RAM Random Access Memory
RAO Ram Air Outlet
RAPCON Radar Approach Control
RAT Ram Air Temperature
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RATC Remote Air Traffic Control
RAX Random Access Transfer Memory
RB Resource BITE
RBA Right Bottom Aft
RBCU Remote Braking Control Unit
RBF Right Bottom Forward
RBN Radio Beacon
RBP Right Bottom Plug
RBPU Rudder and Brake Pedal Unit
RC Reference Chord
RC Repetitive Chime
RCC Remote Charge Converter
RCC Remote Control Center
RCCB Remote Control Circuit Breaker
RCCU Remote Calibration Control Unit
RCD RAAS Configuration DataBase
RCDG Recording
RCDR Recorder
RCF Right Center Fuselage
RCL Recall
RCLM Runway Center Line Marking
RCLS Runway Center Line Light System
RCP Reverse Current Protection
RCPT Receptacle
RCPTN Reception
RCS Radio Communication System
RCT Rear Center Tank
RCVR Receiver
RCVY Recovery
RCZ Rear Core Zone
RD Retro Drawing
RD Right Display
RDC Remote Data Concentrator
RDDMI Radio Dual Distance Magnetic Indicator
RDL Resident Data Loader
RDNG Reading
RDU Receiver Decoder Unit
RDY Ready
READG Reading
RECIRC Recirculate, Recirculation
RECN Repair Engineering Change Note
RECOG Recognition
RECONF Reconfiguration
RECT Rectifier
RED Reduction
REDCR Reducer
REDUND Redundancy
REF ALIGN Reference Alignment
REF Reference
REFLNG Refueling
REFR Refrigerator
REFUEL Refueling
REG Register
REG Regulator
REGUL Regulation
REIC Reconfigurable ETOPS Isolation Contactor
REIL Runway End Identification Lights
REL Release
REL Reluctance
REM Representative Model
rem/hr Rems per Hour
REP Reporting Point
REP Repository
REPL BY Replaced by
RES Resistance
RET Retract
RET Return
RETR Retract
RETRD Retracted
RETRG Retracting
RETRN Retraction
REV Revise, Revision
REV Reverse
REW Recoverable Empty Weight
RF Radio Frequency
RFC Request for Change
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RFI Request for Information
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFP Request for Proposal
RFS Reason for Selection
RFS Regardless of Feature Size
RFU Radio Frequency Unit
RFW Request for Work
RGAU Rate Gyro and Accelerometer Unit
RGLRD Regulated
RGLTG Regulating
RGLTN Regulation
RGTR Register
RH Right Hand
RHEO Rheostat
RHL Rudder Hinge Line
RIDN Rear Inner Discharge Nozzle
RIU Recorder Interface Unit
RJB Radio Junction Box
RK Rack
RLA Reverser Lever Angle
RLD Required Landing Distance
RLF Relief
RLG Ring Laser Gyro
R-LMF Right Side Local Maintenance Function
RLS Remote Light Sensor
RLS Right Line Select Key
RLSED Released
RLTD Related
RLY Relay
RM Radio Magnetic
RMCU Remote Magnetic Compensation Unit
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator
RMO Request for Modification Order
RMO Retrofit Modification Offer
RMO Retrofit Modification Order
RMP Radio and Audio Management Panel
RMP Radio Management Panel
RMP Right Middle Plug
RMS Reference Manufacturing Shop
RMS Root Mean Square
RMT Remote
RMU Radio Management Unit
RNAV Area Navigation
RNG Range
RNI Radio Navigation Indicator
RNLG Reinforced Nose Landing Gear
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RODN Rear Outer Discharge Nozzle
ROLR Roller
ROLS Remote Oil Level Sensor
ROM Read Only Memory
R-OMS Right Side Onboard Maintenance System
ROP Runway Overrun Protection
ROPS Runway Overrun Prevention System
ROT Runway Occupancy Time
ROTG Rotating
ROW Runway end Overrun Warning
RPCU Reservoir Pressurization Control Unit
RPCU Residual Pressure Control Unit
RPDR Reproducer
RPF Reporting Processing Function
RPG Report Program General
RPLNT Repellent
RPM Revolution per Minute
RPSA Rotating Pressure Sensing Assembly
RPTG Repeating
RPTR Repeater
RPU Receiver Processor Unit
RQ Recommended Quantity
RQRD Required
RR Low or Medium Range Frequency Radio Range Station
RR Rolls Royce
RR Rudder Rib
RRU Recorder Release Unit
RS Rear Spar
RS Repeating Stroke
RSA Request for Service Allowance
RSC Removable Structural Component
RSM Removable SIM Module
RSP Responder Beacon
RSR Route Surveillance Radar
RSS Receiver Surveillance System
RSS Root Sum Square
RST Reset
RSU Raster Shading Unit
RSV Reserve
RSVR Reservoir
RT Risk Time
RTA Receiver Transmitter ARINC
RTA Required Time of Arrival
RTA Right Top Aft
RTBC Refuel and Towing on Battery Contactor
RTC Real Time Clock
RTC Return To Cabin
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTE Route
RTF Radio Telephony
RTF Right Top Forward
RTG Rating
RTK Revenue Tonne Kilometre
RTL Rudder Travel Limiting
RTM Real Time Monitoring
RTN Return
RTNC Refuel and Towing on Normal Contactor
RTNR Retainer
RTO Rejected Takeoff
RTOLW Regulatory TakeOff and Landing Weight
RTOLW Runway Takeoff and Landing Weight
RTOW Regulatory TakeOff Weight
RTOW Runway Takeoff Weight
RTP Right Top Plug
RTR Router
RTRSW Rotary Switch
RTRY Rotary
RTS Return to Seat
RTT Return To Tank
RTU Radar Transceiver Unit
RTU Rate of Turn Unit
RUD Rudder
RVCP Remote Video Control Panel
RVDT Rotary Variable Differential Transducer
RVR Runway Visual Range
RVS Reverse
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
RVSN Reversion
RVT Rivet
RVT Rotary Variable Transformer
RW Right Wing
RWDS Rearwards
RWK Rework
RWY Runway
RX Receive
RZ Return to Zero