R | ||
R | Radius | |
R | Rankine | |
R | Red | |
R | Resistor | |
R | Right | |
R | Yaw Rate | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
R/AD | Retro/Adaptation Drawing | |
R/C | Rate of Climb | |
R/D | Rate of Descent | |
R/H | Radar Height | |
R/hr | Roentgens per Hour | |
R/I | Radio/Inertial | |
R/I | Removal/Installation | |
R/L | Reading Light | |
r/min | Revolutions per Minute | |
R/T | Radio Transmit | |
R/T | Receiver Transmitter Unit | |
RA | Radio Altimeter, Radio Altitude | |
RA | Redundancy Assurance | |
RA | Resolution Advisory | |
RAAS | Runway Awareness and Advisory System | |
RAC | Rotor Active Clearance | |
RAC | Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control | |
RACA | Ram Air Channel Actuator | |
RACC | Rotor Active Clearance Control | |
RACON | Radar Beacon | |
RACSB | Rotor Active Clearance Start Bleed | |
RAD | Radio | |
RAD | Roll Anticipation Distance | |
RADCON | Radar Data Converter | |
RADIUS | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service | |
RadM | Radioactive Material | |
RADVR | Random Access Digital Video Reproducer | |
RAI | Ram Air Inlet | |
RAIL | Runway Alignment Indicator Light System | |
RAIMS | Radio and Audio Integrating Management System | |
RALS | Recording and Aircraft Locating System | |
RALTU | Reprogrammable Annunciator Light Test Unit | |
RAM | Random Access Memory | |
RAO | Ram Air Outlet | |
RAPCON | Radar Approach Control | |
RAT | Ram Air Temperature | |
RAT | Ram Air Turbine | |
RATC | Remote Air Traffic Control | |
RAX | Random Access Transfer Memory | |
RB | Resource BITE | |
RBA | Right Bottom Aft | |
RBCU | Remote Braking Control Unit | |
RBF | Right Bottom Forward | |
RBN | Radio Beacon | |
RBP | Right Bottom Plug | |
RBPU | Rudder and Brake Pedal Unit | |
RC | Reference Chord | |
RC | Repetitive Chime | |
RCC | Remote Charge Converter | |
RCC | Remote Control Center | |
RCCB | Remote Control Circuit Breaker | |
RCCBM | RCCB Module | |
RCCU | Remote Calibration Control Unit | |
RCD | RAAS Configuration DataBase | |
RCDG | Recording | |
RCDR | Recorder | |
RCF | Right Center Fuselage | |
RCL | Recall | |
RCLM | Runway Center Line Marking | |
RCLS | Runway Center Line Light System | |
RCP | Reverse Current Protection | |
RCPT | Receptacle | |
RCPTN | Reception | |
RCS | Radio Communication System | |
RCT | Rear Center Tank | |
RCVR | Receiver | |
RCVY | Recovery | |
RCZ | Rear Core Zone | |
RD | Retro Drawing | |
RD | Right Display | |
RDC | Remote Data Concentrator | |
RDDMI | Radio Dual Distance Magnetic Indicator | |
RDL | Resident Data Loader | |
RDNG | Reading | |
RDU | Receiver Decoder Unit | |
RDY | Ready | |
READG | Reading | |
RECIRC | Recirculate, Recirculation | |
RECN | Repair Engineering Change Note | |
RECOG | Recognition | |
RECONF | Reconfiguration | |
RECT | Rectifier | |
RED | Reduction | |
REDCR | Reducer | |
REDUND | Redundancy | |
REF ALIGN | Reference Alignment | |
REF | Reference | |
REFLNG | Refueling | |
REFR | Refrigerator | |
REFUEL | Refueling | |
REG | Register | |
REG | Regulator | |
REGUL | Regulation | |
REIC | Reconfigurable ETOPS Isolation Contactor | |
REIL | Runway End Identification Lights | |
REL | Release | |
REL | Reluctance | |
REM | Representative Model | |
rem/hr | Rems per Hour | |
REP | Reporting Point | |
REP | Repository | |
REPL | BY Replaced by | |
RES | Resistance | |
RET | Retract | |
RET | Return | |
RETR | Retract | |
RETRD | Retracted | |
RETRG | Retracting | |
RETRN | Retraction | |
REV | Revise, Revision | |
REV | Reverse | |
REW | Recoverable Empty Weight | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFC | Request for Change | |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference | |
RFI | Request for Information | |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification | |
RFP | Request for Proposal | |
RFS | Reason for Selection | |
RFS | Regardless of Feature Size | |
RFU | Radio Frequency Unit | |
RFW | Request for Work | |
RGAU | Rate Gyro and Accelerometer Unit | |
RGLRD | Regulated | |
RGLTG | Regulating | |
RGLTN | Regulation | |
RGTR | Register | |
RH | Right Hand | |
RHEO | Rheostat | |
RHL | Rudder Hinge Line | |
RIDN | Rear Inner Discharge Nozzle | |
RIU | Recorder Interface Unit | |
RJB | Radio Junction Box | |
RK | Rack | |
RLA | Reverser Lever Angle | |
RLD | Required Landing Distance | |
RLF | Relief | |
RLG | Ring Laser Gyro | |
R-LMF | Right Side Local Maintenance Function | |
RLS | Remote Light Sensor | |
RLS | Right Line Select Key | |
RLSED | Released | |
RLTD | Related | |
RLY | Relay | |
RM | Radio Magnetic | |
RMCU | Remote Magnetic Compensation Unit | |
RMI | Radio Magnetic Indicator | |
RMO | Request for Modification Order | |
RMO | Retrofit Modification Offer | |
RMO | Retrofit Modification Order | |
RMP | Radio and Audio Management Panel | |
RMP | Radio Management Panel | |
RMP | Right Middle Plug | |
RMS | Reference Manufacturing Shop | |
RMS | Root Mean Square | |
RMT | Remote | |
RMU | Radio Management Unit | |
RNAV | Area Navigation | |
RNG | Range | |
RNI | Radio Navigation Indicator | |
RNLG | Reinforced Nose Landing Gear | |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance | |
RODN | Rear Outer Discharge Nozzle | |
ROLR | Roller | |
ROLS | Remote Oil Level Sensor | |
ROM | Read Only Memory | |
R-OMS | Right Side Onboard Maintenance System | |
ROP | Runway Overrun Protection | |
ROPS | Runway Overrun Prevention System | |
ROT | Runway Occupancy Time | |
ROTG | Rotating | |
ROW | Runway end Overrun Warning | |
RPCU | Reservoir Pressurization Control Unit | |
RPCU | Residual Pressure Control Unit | |
RPDR | Reproducer | |
RPF | Reporting Processing Function | |
RPG | Report Program General | |
RPLNT | Repellent | |
RPM | Revolution per Minute | |
RPSA | Rotating Pressure Sensing Assembly | |
RPTG | Repeating | |
RPTR | Repeater | |
RPU | Receiver Processor Unit | |
RQ | Recommended Quantity | |
RQRD | Required | |
RR | Low or Medium Range Frequency Radio Range Station | |
RR | Rolls Royce | |
RR | Rudder Rib | |
RRU | Recorder Release Unit | |
RS | Rear Spar | |
RS | Repeating Stroke | |
RSA | Request for Service Allowance | |
RSC | Removable Structural Component | |
RSM | Removable SIM Module | |
RSP | Responder Beacon | |
RSR | Route Surveillance Radar | |
RSS | Receiver Surveillance System | |
RSS | Root Sum Square | |
RST | Reset | |
RSU | Raster Shading Unit | |
RSV | Reserve | |
RSVR | Reservoir | |
RT | Risk Time | |
RTA | Receiver Transmitter ARINC | |
RTA | Required Time of Arrival | |
RTA | Right Top Aft | |
RTBC | Refuel and Towing on Battery Contactor | |
RTC | Real Time Clock | |
RTC | Return To Cabin | |
RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics | |
RTE | Route | |
RTF | Radio Telephony | |
RTF | Right Top Forward | |
RTG | Rating | |
RTK | Revenue Tonne Kilometre | |
RTL | Rudder Travel Limiting | |
RTM | Real Time Monitoring | |
RTN | Return | |
RTNC | Refuel and Towing on Normal Contactor | |
RTNR | Retainer | |
RTO | Rejected Takeoff | |
RTOLW | Regulatory TakeOff and Landing Weight | |
RTOLW | Runway Takeoff and Landing Weight | |
RTOW | Regulatory TakeOff Weight | |
RTOW | Runway Takeoff Weight | |
RTP | Right Top Plug | |
RTR | Router | |
RTRSW | Rotary Switch | |
RTRY | Rotary | |
RTS | Return to Seat | |
RTT | Return To Tank | |
RTU | Radar Transceiver Unit | |
RTU | Rate of Turn Unit | |
RUD | Rudder | |
RVCP | Remote Video Control Panel | |
RVDT | Rotary Variable Differential Transducer | |
RVR | Runway Visual Range | |
RVS | Reverse | |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum | |
RVSN | Reversion | |
RVT | Rivet | |
RVT | Rotary Variable Transformer | |
RW | Right Wing | |
RWDS | Rearwards | |
RWK | Rework | |
RWY | Runway | |
RX | Receive | |
RZ | Return to Zero |
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By Osmar septiembre 23, 2021