L | ||
L | ECAM DU Left ECAM Display Unit | |
L | Left | |
L | Length | |
L | Litre or Liter | |
L | Radius of Relative Stiffness | |
L/D | Lift/Drag | |
L/G | Landing Gear | |
L/HIRF | Lightning/High Intensity Radiated Fields | |
LA | Linear Accelerometer | |
LAF | Load Alleviation Function | |
LAG | Lagging | |
LAILA | LAvatory Interface and Light Adapter | |
LAM | Laminate | |
LAMM | Lights, Audio and Miscellaneous Module | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LAO | Lateral Air Outlet | |
LAP | List of Applicable Publications | |
LAT | Lateral | |
LAT | Latitude | |
LAU | Linear Accelerometer Unit | |
LAV | Lavatory | |
lb | Pound | |
LB | Pounds | |
LBA | Left Bottom Aft | |
LBA | Logical Bus Application | |
LBA | Luftfahrt Bundes Amt | |
LBC | Local Booking Code | |
LBF | Left Bottom Forward | |
lbf/in2 | Pounds force per square inch | |
LB-FT | Pound - Force - Foot (Torque) | |
LB-IN | Pound - Inch | |
LBP | Left Bottom Plug | |
LC | Labour Cost | |
LC | Line Contactor | |
LCA | Life Cycle Assessment | |
LCC | Life Cycle Cost | |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | |
LCDT | Load Compressor Discharge Temperature | |
LCF | Left Center Fuselage | |
LCH | Latch | |
LCHG | Latching | |
LCIT | Load Compressor Inlet Temperature | |
LCL | Line Check List (Maintenance) | |
LCN | Load Classification Number | |
LCP | Local Control Panel | |
LCSD | Line Check Support Data | |
LCTR | Locator | |
LD CAB | Lower Deck Cabin | |
LD GALY | Lower Deck Galley | |
LD LAV | Lower Deck Lavatory | |
LD | Left Display | |
LD | Load | |
LD | Lower Deck | |
LDA | Localizer-type Directional Aid | |
LDC | Local Door Controller | |
LDCC | Lower Deck Cargo Compartment | |
LDF | Lower Deck Facilities | |
LDG GR | Landing Gear | |
LDG | Landing | |
LDI | Landing Direction Indicator | |
LDM | LED-Driver Module | |
LDMCR | Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest | |
LDPA | LanDing Performance Application | |
LDS | Laptop Docking Station | |
LDSF | Lower Deck Surveillance Function | |
LDSS | Lower Deck Surveillance System | |
LE | Leading Edge | |
LE | Log Entry | |
LED | Light Emitting Diode | |
LEDU | List of Effective Documentary Unit | |
LEHGS | Local Electro-Hydraulic Generation System | |
LEL | Lower Explosive Limit | |
LEO | Little Earth Orbit | |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit | |
LEP | List of Effective Pages | |
LER | Leading Edge Rib | |
LF | Low Frequency | |
LFR | Low Frequency Radio Range | |
LGA | Low Gain Antenna | |
LGCIS | Landing Gear Control Indication System | |
LGCIU | Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit | |
LGCM | Light Green Communication Manager | |
LGERS | Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System | |
LGL | LED Gobo Light | |
LGMS | Landing Gear Management System | |
LGMS | Landing Gear Monitoring System | |
LGND | Legend | |
LGWSS | Landing Gear Well Surveillance System | |
LH | Left Hand | |
LIB | Loudspeaker and Indicator Box | |
LIM | Limit, Limitation, Limiter, Limiting, | |
LIMG | Limiting | |
LIPPLE | Lowest Intelligible Phone Power Level | |
LIQD | Liquid | |
LIR | Logistic Information Referential | |
LIS | Localizer Inertial Smoothing | |
LKD | Locked | |
LKG | Locking | |
LKR | Locker | |
LKSHFT | Lockshaft | |
LL | Latitude/longitude | |
LL | Latitude/Longitude | |
LL | Low Level | |
LL1 | Waypoint from Waypoint List Abbreviated | |
LLA | Lavatory Light Adapter | |
LLAC | Low Level AC Voltage | |
LLDC | Low Level DC Voltage | |
LLDC | Low Level Direct Current | |
LLI | Long Lead Time Item | |
LLO | Long LeadTime Option | |
LLS | Left Line Select Key | |
LLS | Liquid Level Sensor | |
LLS | Low-Level Solid Radioactive Material | |
LMC | Least Material Condition | |
LMES | Loss of Main Electrical Supply | |
LMF | Local Maintenance Function | |
LMM | Compass Locator at Middle Marker | |
LMP | Left Middle Plug | |
LMP | Line Maintenance Part | |
LMS | Leakage Measurement System | |
LMT | Local Mean Time | |
LNA | Label Not Available | |
LNA | Low Noise Amplifier | |
LNG | Lining | |
LNG | Long | |
LNR | Linear | |
LO | Link Object | |
LO | Local Oscillator | |
LO | Low | |
LO PR | Low Pressure | |
LOC | List of Overhaulable Components | |
LOC | Localizer | |
LOCKG | Locking | |
LOG | Logic | |
LOGO | Logogram | |
LOM | Compass Locator at Outer Marker | |
LONG | Longitude | |
LONG | Longitudinal | |
LONGL | Longitudinal | |
LONGN | Longeron | |
LOP | Low Oil Pressure | |
LOPA | Layout of Passenger Accommodations | |
LORAN | Long Range Aid to Air Navigation | |
LOS | Lavatory Occupied Sign | |
LP | Low Pressure | |
LP VALVE | Low Pressure Valve | |
LPC | Low Compressor Rotor and Stator Assembly | |
LPC | Low Pressure Compressor | |
LPCNG | LPC New Generation | |
LPE | Laissez-Passer Exceptionnel | |
LPFEV | Long Power Failure Event | |
LPO | Landings per Overhaul | |
LPT | Front Compressor Drive Turbine Rotor Assembly | |
LPT | Low Pressure Turbine | |
LPTACC | Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control | |
LPTC | Low Pressure Turbine Clearance | |
LPTCC | Low Pressure Turbine Case Cooling | |
LPTCC | Low Pressure Turbine Clearance Control | |
LPTR | Low Pressure Turbine Rotor | |
LPU | Lightning Protection Unit | |
LPV | Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance | |
LRE | List of Radioactive and Hazardous Elements | |
LRH | Loadmaster Reference Handbook | |
LRI | Line Replaceable Item | |
LRM | Line Replaceable Module | |
LROPS | Long Range Operations | |
LRRA | Low Range Radio Altimeter | |
LRU | Line Replaceable Unit | |
LS | Landing System | |
LS | Line Select Key | |
LS | Loudspeaker | |
LS | Low Speed | |
LSA | Low Specific Activity Radioactive Material | |
LSA | Low Speed Aileron | |
LSAP | Loadable Software Aircraft Parts | |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | |
LSB | Lower Sideband | |
LSBM | Load Secure Batch Media | |
LSC | Least Significant Character | |
LSC | Load Signature Certificate | |
LSDS | Load Sensing Drive Strut | |
LSI | Large Scale Integrated/Integration/Integrator | |
LSP | Low Speed | |
LSR | Last Significant Bit | |
LSR | Load Shedding Relay | |
LT | Light | |
LT | Teleloading | |
LTA | Left Top Aft | |
LTD | Limited | |
LTD PLT | Lighted Plate | |
LTD PLT | Lighted Plate | |
LTE | Long Term Evolution | |
LTF | Left Top Forward | |
LTG | Lighting | |
LTK | Load Tonne Kilometre | |
LTM | Livestock Transportation Manual | |
LTP | Left Top Plug | |
LTS | Lights | |
LV | Low Voltage | |
LVDS | Low Voltage Differential Signaling | |
LVDT | Linear Variable Differential Transducer | |
LVL | Level | |
LVL/CH | Level Change | |
LVO | Low Visibility Operations | |
LVP | Low Visibility Procedure | |
LVR | Lever | |
LVR | Louver | |
LVT | Linear Voltage Transducer | |
LW | Landing Weight | |
LW | Left Wing | |
LWR | Lower | |
LWSA | Lavatory Water Supply Assy | |
L-x | Lavatory - X |
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By Osmar septiembre 22, 2021