L ECAM DU Left ECAM Display Unit
L Left
L Length
L Litre or Liter
L Radius of Relative Stiffness
L/D Lift/Drag
L/G Landing Gear
L/HIRF Lightning/High Intensity Radiated Fields
LA Linear Accelerometer
LAF Load Alleviation Function
LAG Lagging
LAILA LAvatory Interface and Light Adapter
LAM Laminate
LAMM Lights, Audio and Miscellaneous Module
LAN Local Area Network
LAO Lateral Air Outlet
LAP List of Applicable Publications
LAT Lateral
LAT Latitude
LAU Linear Accelerometer Unit
LAV Lavatory
lb Pound
LB Pounds
LBA Left Bottom Aft
LBA Logical Bus Application
LBA Luftfahrt Bundes Amt
LBC Local Booking Code
LBF Left Bottom Forward
lbf/in2 Pounds force per square inch
LB-FT Pound - Force - Foot (Torque)
LB-IN Pound - Inch
LBP Left Bottom Plug
LC Labour Cost
LC Line Contactor
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
LCC Life Cycle Cost
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCDT Load Compressor Discharge Temperature
LCF Left Center Fuselage
LCH Latch
LCHG Latching
LCIT Load Compressor Inlet Temperature
LCL Line Check List (Maintenance)
LCN Load Classification Number
LCP Local Control Panel
LCSD Line Check Support Data
LCTR Locator
LD CAB Lower Deck Cabin
LD GALY Lower Deck Galley
LD LAV Lower Deck Lavatory
LD Left Display
LD Load
LD Lower Deck
LDA Localizer-type Directional Aid
LDC Local Door Controller
LDCC Lower Deck Cargo Compartment
LDF Lower Deck Facilities
LDG GR Landing Gear
LDG Landing
LDI Landing Direction Indicator
LDM LED-Driver Module
LDMCR Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest
LDPA LanDing Performance Application
LDS Laptop Docking Station
LDSF Lower Deck Surveillance Function
LDSS Lower Deck Surveillance System
LE Leading Edge
LE Log Entry
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEDU List of Effective Documentary Unit
LEHGS Local Electro-Hydraulic Generation System
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
LEO Little Earth Orbit
LEO Low Earth Orbit
LEP List of Effective Pages
LER Leading Edge Rib
LF Low Frequency
LFR Low Frequency Radio Range
LGA Low Gain Antenna
LGCIS Landing Gear Control Indication System
LGCIU Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit
LGCM Light Green Communication Manager
LGERS Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System
LGL LED Gobo Light
LGMS Landing Gear Management System
LGMS Landing Gear Monitoring System
LGND Legend
LGWSS Landing Gear Well Surveillance System
LH Left Hand
LIB Loudspeaker and Indicator Box
LIM Limit, Limitation, Limiter, Limiting,
LIMG Limiting
LIPPLE Lowest Intelligible Phone Power Level
LIQD Liquid
LIR Logistic Information Referential
LIS Localizer Inertial Smoothing
LKD Locked
LKG Locking
LKR Locker
LKSHFT Lockshaft
LL Latitude/longitude
LL Latitude/Longitude
LL Low Level
LL1 Waypoint from Waypoint List Abbreviated
LLA Lavatory Light Adapter
LLAC Low Level AC Voltage
LLDC Low Level DC Voltage
LLDC Low Level Direct Current
LLI Long Lead Time Item
LLO Long LeadTime Option
LLS Left Line Select Key
LLS Liquid Level Sensor
LLS Low-Level Solid Radioactive Material
LMC Least Material Condition
LMES Loss of Main Electrical Supply
LMF Local Maintenance Function
LMM Compass Locator at Middle Marker
LMP Left Middle Plug
LMP Line Maintenance Part
LMS Leakage Measurement System
LMT Local Mean Time
LNA Label Not Available
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
LNG Lining
LNG Long
LNR Linear
LO Link Object
LO Local Oscillator
LO Low
LO PR Low Pressure
LOC List of Overhaulable Components
LOC Localizer
LOCKG Locking
LOG Logic
LOGO Logogram
LOM Compass Locator at Outer Marker
LONG Longitude
LONG Longitudinal
LONGL Longitudinal
LONGN Longeron
LOP Low Oil Pressure
LOPA Layout of Passenger Accommodations
LORAN Long Range Aid to Air Navigation
LOS Lavatory Occupied Sign
LP Low Pressure
LP VALVE Low Pressure Valve
LPC Low Compressor Rotor and Stator Assembly
LPC Low Pressure Compressor
LPCNG LPC New Generation
LPE Laissez-Passer Exceptionnel
LPFEV Long Power Failure Event
LPO Landings per Overhaul
LPT Front Compressor Drive Turbine Rotor Assembly
LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LPTACC Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
LPTC Low Pressure Turbine Clearance
LPTCC Low Pressure Turbine Case Cooling
LPTCC Low Pressure Turbine Clearance Control
LPTR Low Pressure Turbine Rotor
LPU Lightning Protection Unit
LPV Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
LRE List of Radioactive and Hazardous Elements
LRH Loadmaster Reference Handbook
LRI Line Replaceable Item
LRM Line Replaceable Module
LROPS Long Range Operations
LRRA Low Range Radio Altimeter
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LS Landing System
LS Line Select Key
LS Loudspeaker
LS Low Speed
LSA Low Specific Activity Radioactive Material
LSA Low Speed Aileron
LSAP Loadable Software Aircraft Parts
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSB Lower Sideband
LSBM Load Secure Batch Media
LSC Least Significant Character
LSC Load Signature Certificate
LSDS Load Sensing Drive Strut
LSI Large Scale Integrated/Integration/Integrator
LSP Low Speed
LSR Last Significant Bit
LSR Load Shedding Relay
LT Light
LT Teleloading
LTA Left Top Aft
LTD Limited
LTD PLT Lighted Plate
LTD PLT Lighted Plate
LTE Long Term Evolution
LTF Left Top Forward
LTG Lighting
LTK Load Tonne Kilometre
LTM Livestock Transportation Manual
LTP Left Top Plug
LTS Lights
LV Low Voltage
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducer
LVL Level
LVL/CH Level Change
LVO Low Visibility Operations
LVP Low Visibility Procedure
LVR Lever
LVR Louver
LVT Linear Voltage Transducer
LW Landing Weight
LW Left Wing
LWR Lower
LWSA Lavatory Water Supply Assy
L-x Lavatory - X