t Equivalent Runway Thickness
t Rivet Spacing
T Thickness
T Time
t Tonne
T Trim
T True
T Turn
T.O TakeOff
T/C Top of Climb
T/C Type Certificate
T/D Top of Descent
T/F Track of a Fixed Waypoint
T/O Take Off
T/R Thrust Reverser
T/TISS Traffic and Terrain Integrated Surveillance System
T2C HP Compressor Inlet Temperature
T2CAS Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System
T54 Low Pressure Turbine Inlet Temperature
TA Traffic Advisory
TA Twin Aisle
TAB Tabulation and Interpolation Program
TAB Test and Bite Panel
TAC Taxiing Aid Camera
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation
TACAN Ultra-high Frequency Tactical Air Navigation Aid
TACH Tachometer
TACS Taxiing Aid Camera System
TACT Tactical
TADD Trim Air Drive Device
TAP Transient Acoustic Propagation
TAR Terminal Area Surveillance Radar
TAS True Airspeed
TASE Training Areas of Special Emphasis
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TB Terminal Block
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To be determined
TBO Time Between Overhauls
TBSV Time Between Scheduled Visits
TBU Time Base Unit
TBV Transient Bleed Valve
TC HP Turbine Case Pressure
TC Takeoff Charts
TC Theoretical Contour
TC Thermocouple
TCA Throttle Control Assy
TCAF Turbine Cooling Air Front
TCAM Turbine Cooling Air Middle
TCAP TCAS Resolution Advisory Prevention
TCAR Turbine Cooling Air Rear
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCC Thrust Control Computer
TCC Turbine Case Cooling
TCC Turbine Clearance Control
TCCS Thrust Control Computer System
TCFN Twos Complement Fractional Notation
TCG Time Corrected Gain
TCIU Telephone Communication Interface Unit
TCM Technical Coordination Meeting
TCM Thrust Control Malfunction
TCP Takeoff Charts Computation Program
TCS Temperature Control System
TCU Throttle Control Unit
TCU Transport Cargo Unit
TD Technical Dossier
TD Time Delay
TDB Terrain DataBase
TDC Time Delay Closing
TDC Top Dead Center
TDCR Type Design Change Request
TDD Technical Design Directive
TDD Type Design Definition
TDO Time Delay Opening
TDP Touchdown Point
TDS Technical Data Sheet
TDSC Technical Data Steering Committee
TDU Technical Description Unit
TDU Time Display Unit
TDY Temporary Duty
TDZL Touchdown Zone Lights
TE HP Stage Air Temperature
TE Trailing Edge
TEC Turbine Exhaust Case
TED Tool and Equipment Drawing
TEDB Tool and Equipment Data Bank
TEFO Total Engine Flame Out
TEI Tool and Equipment Index
TEL Telephone
TELECOM Telecommunications
TEM Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual
TEM Tool and Equipment Manual
TEMP Temperature
TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan
TEO Engine Oil Temperature
TER Trailing Edge Rib
Test both Ab and term test
TEST SIG Test Signal
TFR Trouble and Failure Report
TFTS Terresterial Flight Telephone System
TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telephone System
TFU Technical Follow-up
TGB Transfer Gearbox
TGCU Terminal GPRS / UMTS Client Unit
TGL Touch-and-Go Landing
TGT Target
TGT Turbine Gas Temperature
THD Thread
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
THERAP Therapeutic
THMS Thermistor
THR Thrust
THRM Thermal
THRMST Thermostat
THROT PUSH Throttle Pusher
THROT Throttle
THS Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
THSA Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator
TI Technical Instruction
TI Track to an Interrupt
TIA Type Inspection Authorization
TIC Turbine Impingement Cooling
TICC Technical Information and Communication Committee
TID Technical Impact Difference
TID Technical Information Document
TIR Technical Incident Report
TIR Type Inspection Report
TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
TIU Terminal Interface Unit
TIV Temperature Isolation Valve
TK Ground Track Angle
TK Tank
TKE Track Angle Error
TKE Track Error
TL Transmittal Letter
TLA Throttle Lever Angle
TLB Technical Log Book
TLC Takeoff and Landing Chart Computation Program
TLC TR Line Contactor
TLCS Trolley Lift & Conveyance System
TLMC Aircraft Time Limits/Maintenance Checks
TLS Transcowl Locking System
TLS Trolley Lift System
TLU Travel Limitation Unit
TLV Tertiary Lock Valve
TM Terminal Module
TM Torque Motor
TM Transportability Manual
TMA Terminal Control Area
TMG Timing
TMLB Technical and Maintenance LogBook
TMR Timer
TN Technical Note
TO Takeoff
TO/APPR Takeoff/Approach
TOC Table of Contents
TOD Takeoff Distance
TOGA Takeoff/Go Around
TOGW Takeoff Gross Weight
TOIL Toilet
TOL Tolerance
TOMCONF Take-Off Multi Configuration
TOPA TakeOff Performance Application
TOR Takeoff Run
TOS TakeOff Securing
TOT Total
TOW Takeoff Weight
TOW Towing
TP Test Point
TP Top Plug
T-P Turn Point
TPG Technical Publications Guide
TPIB Technical Publications Illustration Bank
TPIC Tire Pressure Indicating Computer
TPIS Tire Pressure Indicating System
TPMM Technical Publication Management Meeting
TPOP Technical Publications Output Planning
TPPP Technical Publications Production Planning
TPR Turbofan Power Ratio
TPRD Technical Publications Reference Document
TPS Temporary Protection System
TPU Terminal Processor Unit
TPWD Technical Publication Work Sharing Document
TR Regulated Temperature (Downstream of precooler)
TR Temporary Revision
TR Thrust Reverser
TR Transformer Rectifier
TR Transistor
T-R Transmitter-Receiver
TR Truss
TR Turn Radius
TRA Throttle Resolver Angle
TRACON Terminal Radar Control
TRANS Transition
TRANSF Transfer
TRANSLG Translating
TRAS Thrust Reverser Actuation System
TRC Thrust Rating Computer
TRD Tableau récapitulatif de définition
TRDV Thrust Reverser Directional Valve
TRF Turbine Rear Frame
TRGT Target
TRIG Trigger
TRK Track
TRK Track (angle)
TRLY Trolley
TROPO Tropopause
TRP Thrust Rate Panel - Thrust Rating Panel
TRP Thrust Rating Panel
TRPU Thrust Reverser Power Unit
TRPV Thrust Reverser Pressurizing Valve
TRQE Torque
TRQR Torquer
TRS Technical Repercussion Sheet
TRSB Technical Risk Signal Box
TRT Turn Round Time
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit
TRV Travel
TS TCU Sensor
TS Trim Sheet
TSA Throttle Sensor Angle
TSAS Temperature Secondary Air System
TSD Trouble Shooting Data
TSDB Trouble Shooting Data Base
TSF Trouble Shooting Function
TSFC Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
TSH Trouble Shooting Handbook
TSI Time Since Installation
TSLSV Time Since Last Shop Visit
TSM Trouble Shooting Manual
TSO Technical Service Order (FAA)
TSO Technical Standard Order
TSO Time Since Overhaul
TSP Tank Signalling Processor
TSPA Tank Signal Processor A
TSPB Tank Signal Processor B
TST Test
TSU Torque Sensor Unit
TT Switching Temperature of HP Valve
TT Total Time
TT Trim Tank
TTG Time to Go
TTL Transistor Transistor Logic
TTOL Taxi, Takeoff and Landing
TTR Technical Trouble Report
TTS Trim Tank System
TU Tapping Unit
TUCD Thermostat Unit Control Device
TURB Turbulence, Turbulent
TURB Turbine
TV Television
TVBC Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling
TVOR Short Range VOR
TVOR Very High Frequency Terminal Omnirange Station
TW Twisted
TWDC Tank Wall Data Concentrator
TWLU Terminal Wireless LAN Unit
TWR Aerodrome Control Tower
TWY Taxiway
TX Transmission (TCAS to Transponder)
TX Transmit
TYP Typical
TYPPLE Typical Phone Power Level