T | ||
t | Equivalent Runway Thickness | |
t | Rivet Spacing | |
T | Thickness | |
T | Time | |
t | Tonne | |
T | Trim | |
T | TRUE | |
T | True | |
T | Turn | |
T.O | TakeOff | |
T/C | Top of Climb | |
T/C | Type Certificate | |
T/D | Top of Descent | |
T/F | Track of a Fixed Waypoint | |
T/O | Take Off | |
T/R | Thrust Reverser | |
T/TISS | Traffic and Terrain Integrated Surveillance System | |
T2C | HP Compressor Inlet Temperature | |
T2CAS | Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System | |
T54 | Low Pressure Turbine Inlet Temperature | |
TA | Traffic Advisory | |
TA | Twin Aisle | |
TAB | Tabulation and Interpolation Program | |
TAB | Test and Bite Panel | |
TAC | Taxiing Aid Camera | |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation | |
TACAN | Ultra-high Frequency Tactical Air Navigation Aid | |
TACH | Tachometer | |
TACS | Taxiing Aid Camera System | |
TACT | Tactical | |
TADD | Trim Air Drive Device | |
TAP | Transient Acoustic Propagation | |
TAR | Terminal Area Surveillance Radar | |
TAS | True Airspeed | |
TASE | Training Areas of Special Emphasis | |
TAT | Total Air Temperature | |
TAWS | Terrain Awareness and Warning System | |
TB | Terminal Block | |
TBC | To Be Confirmed | |
TBD | To be determined | |
TBO | Time Between Overhauls | |
TBSV | Time Between Scheduled Visits | |
TBU | Time Base Unit | |
TBV | Transient Bleed Valve | |
TC | HP Turbine Case Pressure | |
TC | Takeoff Charts | |
TC | Theoretical Contour | |
TC | Thermocouple | |
TCA | Throttle Control Assy | |
TCAF | Turbine Cooling Air Front | |
TCAM | Turbine Cooling Air Middle | |
TCAP | TCAS Resolution Advisory Prevention | |
TCAR | Turbine Cooling Air Rear | |
TCAS | Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System | |
TCC | Thrust Control Computer | |
TCC | Turbine Case Cooling | |
TCC | Turbine Clearance Control | |
TCCS | Thrust Control Computer System | |
TCFN | Twos Complement Fractional Notation | |
TCG | Time Corrected Gain | |
TCIU | Telephone Communication Interface Unit | |
TCM | Technical Coordination Meeting | |
TCM | Thrust Control Malfunction | |
TCP | Takeoff Charts Computation Program | |
TCS | Temperature Control System | |
TCU | Throttle Control Unit | |
TCU | Transport Cargo Unit | |
TD | Technical Dossier | |
TD | Time Delay | |
TDB | Terrain DataBase | |
TDC | Time Delay Closing | |
TDC | Top Dead Center | |
TDCR | Type Design Change Request | |
TDD | Technical Design Directive | |
TDD | Type Design Definition | |
TDO | Time Delay Opening | |
TDP | Touchdown Point | |
TDS | Technical Data Sheet | |
TDSC | Technical Data Steering Committee | |
TDU | Technical Description Unit | |
TDU | Time Display Unit | |
TDY | Temporary Duty | |
TDZL | Touchdown Zone Lights | |
TE | HP Stage Air Temperature | |
TE | Trailing Edge | |
TEC | Turbine Exhaust Case | |
TED | Tool and Equipment Drawing | |
TEDB | Tool and Equipment Data Bank | |
TEFO | Total Engine Flame Out | |
TEI | Tool and Equipment Index | |
TEL | Telephone | |
TELECOM | Telecommunications | |
TEM | Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual | |
TEM | Tool and Equipment Manual | |
TEMP | Temperature | |
TEMP | Test and Evaluation Master Plan | |
TEO | Engine Oil Temperature | |
TER | Trailing Edge Rib | |
Test | both Ab and term test | |
TEST | SIG Test Signal | |
TFR | Trouble and Failure Report | |
TFTS | Terresterial Flight Telephone System | |
TFTS | Terrestrial Flight Telephone System | |
TFU | Technical Follow-up | |
TGB | Transfer Gearbox | |
TGCU | Terminal GPRS / UMTS Client Unit | |
TGL | Touch-and-Go Landing | |
TGT | Target | |
TGT | Turbine Gas Temperature | |
THD | Thread | |
THD | Total Harmonic Distortion | |
THERAP | Therapeutic | |
THMS | Thermistor | |
THR | Thrust | |
THRM | Thermal | |
THRMST | Thermostat | |
THROT PUSH | Throttle Pusher | |
THROT | Throttle | |
THS | Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer | |
THSA | Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator | |
TI | Technical Instruction | |
TI | Track to an Interrupt | |
TIA | Type Inspection Authorization | |
TIC | Turbine Impingement Cooling | |
TICC | Technical Information and Communication Committee | |
TID | Technical Impact Difference | |
TID | Technical Information Document | |
TIR | Technical Incident Report | |
TIR | Type Inspection Report | |
TIT | Turbine Inlet Temperature | |
TIU | Terminal Interface Unit | |
TIV | Temperature Isolation Valve | |
TK | Ground Track Angle | |
TK | Tank | |
TKE | Track Angle Error | |
TKE | Track Error | |
TL | Transmittal Letter | |
TLA | Throttle Lever Angle | |
TLB | Technical Log Book | |
TLC | Takeoff and Landing Chart Computation Program | |
TLC | TR Line Contactor | |
TLCS | Trolley Lift & Conveyance System | |
TLMC | Aircraft Time Limits/Maintenance Checks | |
TLS | Transcowl Locking System | |
TLS | Trolley Lift System | |
TLU | Travel Limitation Unit | |
TLV | Tertiary Lock Valve | |
TM | Terminal Module | |
TM | Torque Motor | |
TM | Transportability Manual | |
TMA | Terminal Control Area | |
TMG | Timing | |
TMLB | Technical and Maintenance LogBook | |
TMR | Timer | |
TN | Technical Note | |
TO | Takeoff | |
TO/APPR | Takeoff/Approach | |
TOC | Table of Contents | |
TOD | Takeoff Distance | |
TOGA | Takeoff/Go Around | |
TOGW | Takeoff Gross Weight | |
TOIL | Toilet | |
TOL | Tolerance | |
TOMCONF | Take-Off Multi Configuration | |
TOPA | TakeOff Performance Application | |
TOR | Takeoff Run | |
TOS | TakeOff Securing | |
TOT | Total | |
TOW | Takeoff Weight | |
TOW | Towing | |
TP | Test Point | |
TP | Top Plug | |
T-P | Turn Point | |
TPG | Technical Publications Guide | |
TPIB | Technical Publications Illustration Bank | |
TPIC | Tire Pressure Indicating Computer | |
TPIS | Tire Pressure Indicating System | |
TPMM | Technical Publication Management Meeting | |
TPOP | Technical Publications Output Planning | |
TPPP | Technical Publications Production Planning | |
TPR | Turbofan Power Ratio | |
TPRD | Technical Publications Reference Document | |
TPS | Temporary Protection System | |
TPU | Terminal Processor Unit | |
TPWD | Technical Publication Work Sharing Document | |
TR | Regulated Temperature (Downstream of precooler) | |
TR | Temporary Revision | |
TR | Thrust Reverser | |
TR | Transformer Rectifier | |
TR | Transistor | |
T-R | Transmitter-Receiver | |
TR | Truss | |
TR | Turn Radius | |
TRA | Throttle Resolver Angle | |
TRACON | Terminal Radar Control | |
TRANS | Transition | |
TRANSF | Transfer | |
TRANSLG | Translating | |
TRAS | Thrust Reverser Actuation System | |
TRC | Thrust Rating Computer | |
TRD | Tableau récapitulatif de définition | |
TRDV | Thrust Reverser Directional Valve | |
TRF | Turbine Rear Frame | |
TRGT | Target | |
TRIG | Trigger | |
TRK | Track | |
TRK | Track (angle) | |
TRLY | Trolley | |
TROPO | Tropopause | |
TRP | Thrust Rate Panel - Thrust Rating Panel | |
TRP | Thrust Rating Panel | |
TRPU | Thrust Reverser Power Unit | |
TRPV | Thrust Reverser Pressurizing Valve | |
TRQE | Torque | |
TRQR | Torquer | |
TRS | Technical Repercussion Sheet | |
TRSB | Technical Risk Signal Box | |
TRT | Turn Round Time | |
TRU | Transformer Rectifier Unit | |
TRV | Travel | |
TS | TCU Sensor | |
TS | Trim Sheet | |
TSA | Throttle Sensor Angle | |
TSAS | Temperature Secondary Air System | |
TSD | Trouble Shooting Data | |
TSDB | Trouble Shooting Data Base | |
TSF | Trouble Shooting Function | |
TSFC | Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption | |
TSH | Trouble Shooting Handbook | |
TSI | Time Since Installation | |
TSLSV | Time Since Last Shop Visit | |
TSM | Trouble Shooting Manual | |
TSO | Technical Service Order (FAA) | |
TSO | Technical Standard Order | |
TSO | Time Since Overhaul | |
TSP | Tank Signalling Processor | |
TSPA | Tank Signal Processor A | |
TSPB | Tank Signal Processor B | |
TST | Test | |
TSU | Torque Sensor Unit | |
TT | Switching Temperature of HP Valve | |
TT | Total Time | |
TT | Trim Tank | |
TTG | Time to Go | |
TTL | Transistor Transistor Logic | |
TTOL | Taxi, Takeoff and Landing | |
TTR | Technical Trouble Report | |
TTS | Trim Tank System | |
TU | Tapping Unit | |
TUCD | Thermostat Unit Control Device | |
TURB | Turbulence, Turbulent | |
TURB | Turbine | |
TV | Television | |
TVBC | Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling | |
TVOR | Short Range VOR | |
TVOR | Very High Frequency Terminal Omnirange Station | |
TW | Twisted | |
TWDC | Tank Wall Data Concentrator | |
TWLU | Terminal Wireless LAN Unit | |
TWR | Aerodrome Control Tower | |
TWY | Taxiway | |
TX | Transmission (TCAS to Transponder) | |
TX | Transmit | |
TYP | Typical | |
TYPPLE | Typical Phone Power Level |
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By Osmar septiembre 23, 2021