g Earth Acceleration (Symbol)
G Galley
g Gram
G Green
G Grid
G Gyro
G/A Ground-to-Air
G/G Ground Guidance
G/S Glide Slope
GA General Application
GA Go-Around
GAD General Assembly Drawing
GAIN Electrical GAlley INsert equipment
GAIR General Assembly Inspection Report
gal Gallon
GALV Galvanize
GALY Galley
GAMMA-T Potential Slope
GAPCU Ground and Auxiliary Power Control Unit
GAS Ground Administration Servicing
GATE Glossary of Airbus Terms and Expressions
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GCA Ground-Controlled Approach System
GCR Generator Control Relay
GCS Global Communication Suite
GCU Generator Control Unit
GD#amp#T Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
GDE Guide
GDNC Guidance
GDO Ground Door Opening
GDS GSE Data Sheet
GE General Electric
GEM Ground Equipment Manual
GEN Generator
GENL General
GES Ground Earth Station
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
GFI Ground Fault Interrupter
GFI Ground Fault Interruption
GFLI Ground Fuel Level Indication
GFR Ground Fault Report
GFRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic
GFTM General Familiarization Training Manual
GGBU Gear Guard Battery Unit
GGMU Gear Guard Main Unit
GGPCU Generator and Ground Power Control Unit
GGSU Gear Guard Sensor Unit
GIC General Instruction Card
GIDOCA Gestion Informatique de la Documentation Avion
GIE Groupement Int Economique
GIM General Introduction Manual
GIPSY General Integrated Publication System
GLA Gust Load Alleviation
GLASU Galley Light Attendant Service Unit
GLC Generator Line Contactor
GLL Green light for Lab
GLM General List of Modifications
GLR Generator Line Relay
GLS GBAS Landing System
GLS GNSS Landing System
GLSSU GPS Landing System Sensor Unit
GLT Ground Leak Test
GMC General Modifications Committee
GMR Ground Movement Radar
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GMTBF Guaranteed Mean Time Between Failure
GNC Galley Network Controller
GND Ground
GNLU GNSS Navigation and Landing Unit
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GOBO Graphical Optical Blackout
GP Glide Path
GP Group
GPCU Ground Power Control Unit
GPIRS Global Positioning and Inertial Reference System
GPM General Processing Module
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Geometrical Product Specification
GPS Global Positioning System
GPSSU Global Positioning System Sensor Unit
GPT Ground Programming Tool
GPU Ground Power Unit
GPWC Ground Proximity Warning Computer
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GR Gear
GRC Glass Reinforced Composite
GRM Geometrical Reference Mock-up
GRP Geographic Reference Point
GRP Glass-Reinforced Plastic
GRP Ground Reference Point
GRP Ground/Geographical Reference Point
GRU Ground Refrigeration Unit
GRV Groove
GRVTY Gravity
GS Ground Speed
GSB Ground Service Bus
GSE Ground Support Equipment
GSHLD Glareshield
GSM General Structure Manual
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GSP Ground Service Panel
GTA General Terms Agreement
GTHRG Gathering
GTI Ground Test Instructions
GUI Graphical User Interface
GVI General Visual Inspection
GW Gross Weight
GWDU Galley Waste Disposal Unit
GWR General Working Rules
GY Grey
GYRO Gyroscope