P | ||
P | Pressure | |
P | Purple | |
P | Roll Rate | |
P(-, +, OFF) | Polarity (minus, plus, off) | |
P.ALT | Profile Altitude | |
P.CLB | Profile Climb | |
P.DES | Profile Descent | |
P.EPR | Profile EPR | |
P.MACH | Profile Mach | |
P.N1 | Profile N1 | |
P.SPD | Profile Speed | |
P/B | Pushbutton | |
P/BSW | Pushbutton Switch | |
P/C | Premium Class | |
P/C | Printed Circuit | |
P/L | Payload | |
P/N | Part Number | |
P/P ROM | Preprocessor ROM | |
P/Y | Premium Economy Class | |
PA AMP | Passenger Address Amplifier | |
Pa | Pascal | |
PA | Passenger Address | |
PA | Public Address | |
PADS | Pneumatic Air Distribution System | |
PAL | Programmable Array Logic | |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar | |
PARAM | Parameter | |
PARK | Parking | |
PAS | Pitch Attitude Sensor | |
PATS | Passenger Air-to-Ground Telephone System | |
PAX | Passenger | |
PAX | PAX Announcement Entertainment & Service Multiplex Sys | |
PB | Policy Board | |
PBD | Place Bearing/Distance | |
PBE | Protective Breathing Equipmemt | |
PBIT | Power-Up Built-in Test | |
PBM | Power Plant Build-up Manual | |
PBSELV | Park Brake Selector Valve | |
PBSW | Pushbutton Switch | |
PC | Pack Controller | |
PC | Packing Card | |
PC | Personal Computer | |
PCA | Portland Cement Association | |
PCA | Positive Control Airspace | |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board | |
PCD | Performance Compliance Document | |
PCD | Protection and Commutation Device | |
PCDM | Primary Contactor Driver Module | |
PCDS | Primary Contactor Driver System | |
PCE | Personal Consumption Expenditures | |
PCE | PreCooler Exchanger | |
PCF | Passenger Cum Freighter | |
PCM | Power Conditioning Module | |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation | |
PCOS | Power Cowl Opening System | |
PCPU | Primary COS Power Unit | |
PCS | Propulsion Control System | |
PCT | Percent | |
PCT | Probe Compensator Temperature | |
PCTI | Performance Critical Item | |
PCU | Passenger Control Unit | |
PCU | Power Control Unit | |
PCU | Power Controller Unit | |
PD | Pitch Diameter | |
PD | Principle Diagram | |
PDB | Performance Database | |
PDC | Panel Display Catalog | |
PDC | Procurement Data Card | |
PDCS | Power Distribution Control System | |
PDDC | Provisioning Descriptive Data Card | |
PDFU | Pedal Damping and Friction Unit | |
PDI | Power and Data Interface | |
PDL | Portable Data Loader | |
PDM | Post Delivery Modification Material | |
PDMC | Power Distribution Maintenance Computer | |
PDMI | Power Distribution Maintenance Interface | |
PDMIC | Power Distribution Maintenance Interface Contactor | |
PDMMF | Power Distribution Monitoring and Maintenance Function | |
PDO | Power Door Opening | |
PDOS | Power Door Opening System | |
PDRC | Procurement Data Reference Card | |
PDrS | Pre-Defined repair Solution | |
PDT | Probe Dual Temperature | |
PDU | Power Drive Unit | |
PE | HP Stage Air Pressure | |
PEA | Production Environnement Airbus (Transnational Production SAP system) | |
PED | Pedestal | |
PED | Portable Electronic Device | |
PEDMU | Primary Electrical Distribution Management Unit | |
PEF | Pylon Extension Fairing | |
PEM | Performance Engineers Manual | |
PEP | Performance Engineers Programs | |
PEPDC | Primary Electrical Power Distribution Center | |
PERC | Percussion | |
PERF | Performance | |
PERM | Permanent | |
PERS | Personal | |
PES | Passenger Entertainment (System) | |
PES | Passenger Entertainment System | |
PES | Production Engineering Specification | |
PESAR | Passenger Entertainment System Audio Reproducer | |
PESC | PES Controller | |
PESMMUX | Passenger Entertainment System Main Mux | |
PF | Pilot Flying | |
PF | Power Factor | |
PF3D | Primary Full Format Flight Display | |
PFC | Primary Flight Control | |
PFCS | Primary Flight Control System | |
PFD | Package Frontier Drawing | |
PFD | Primary Flight Display | |
PFDB | Power Floor Disconnect Box | |
PFEV | Power Failure Event | |
PFIN | Power Failure Interrupt | |
PFIS | Passenger Flight Information System | |
PFM | Perform | |
PFMD | Performed | |
PFQ | Preselected Fuel Quantity | |
PFR | Post Flight Report | |
PFTU | Pedal Feel and Trim Unit | |
PG BUS | Program Bus | |
PG | Page | |
pH | Acidity or Alkalinity | |
PH | Phase | |
PHA | Preliminary Hazard Analysis | |
PHC | Probe Heat Computer | |
PHD | Protruding Head | |
phi | Bank Angle | |
phi | N Nominal Bank Angle | |
PHMU | Power Health Monitoring Unit | |
PHMU | Prognostic and Health Monitoring Unit | |
PHR | Pounds per Hour | |
PI | Procedure Turn to an Intercept | |
PIA | Peripheral Interface Adapter | |
PIA | Programmable Interface Adapter | |
PIESD | Passenger Information and Entertainment Services Domain | |
PIH | Pressure Interstage Hydraulic (PW eng) | |
PIM | Passive InterModulation | |
PIM | Programming and Indication Module | |
PIN PROG | Pin Programming | |
PIN PROG | Pin Programming | |
PIPC | Power Plant Illustrated Parts Catalog | |
PIR | Pressure Interstage Return | |
PIREP | Pilot Reports | |
PISA | Passenger Interface and Supply Adapter | |
PIU | Passenger Information Unit | |
PIX | Picture | |
PK | Pink | |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure | |
PKK | Power Plant Kit | |
PL | Plate | |
PL | Plug | |
PLA | Power Light Adapter | |
PLATF | Platform | |
PLC | Powerline Communication | |
PLCRD | Placard | |
PLS | Pulse | |
PLSP | Point Level Sensor Processor | |
PLT | Pilot | |
PLU | Power Locking Unit | |
PLYWD | Plywood | |
PM | Phase Modulation | |
PM | Pounds per Minute | |
PMA | Parts Manufacturing Approval | |
PMA | Permanent Magnet Alternator | |
PMAT | Portable Multipurpose Access Terminal | |
PMC | Power Management Control, Controller | |
PMC | Process Material Control | |
PMDB | Production Management Data Base | |
PMG | Permanent Magnet Generator | |
PMM | Personalization Memory Module | |
PMP | Performance Monitoring Program | |
PMP | Primary Maintenance Process | |
PMP | Pump | |
PMR | Performance Maintenance Recorder | |
PMR | Progress Management Revies | |
PMR | Project Management Reviews | |
PMS | Process and Material Specification | |
PMT | Process Management Team | |
PMU | Power Management Unit | |
PMUX | Power Plant Multiplexer | |
PMUX | Propulsion Multiplexer | |
PN | Part Number | |
PNEU | Pneumatic | |
PNF | Pilot Non Flying | |
PNL | Panel | |
PNP | Positive-Negative-Positive | |
PNR | Part Number | |
PNTL | Pintle | |
PO | Pickoff | |
PO | Process Owner | |
PO | Production Organization | |
PO | Purchase Order | |
POB | Power-Off Brake | |
POB | Pressure-Off Brake | |
PODD | Passenger Owned Devices Domain | |
POM | Point of Measurement | |
POR | Part Order Request | |
POR | Point of Regulation | |
PORT | Portable | |
POS | Position | |
POST | Power on Self Test | |
POT | Potentiometer | |
POXIP | Passenger Oxygen Indication Panel | |
PP | Process Parameter | |
PPB | Provisioning Parts Breakdown | |
PPBU | Power Plant Build Up | |
PPC | Phosphor Protection Circuit | |
PPDC | Provisioning Procurement Data Card | |
PPDES | Product Performance Data Exchange Specifications | |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment | |
PPI | Plan Position Indicator | |
PPIPC | Power Plant IPC | |
PPM | Parts per Million | |
PPM | Performance Programs Manual | |
PPM | Pulse Position Modulation | |
PPOS | Present Position | |
PPS | Polyphenylene sulfide | |
PPU | Position Pickoff Unit | |
PQAS | Program Quality Assurance System | |
PR | Power Ready Relay | |
PR | Pressure | |
PR | Progress Meeting | |
PR | Regulated Pressure (downstream of bleed valve) | |
PRAM | Prerecorded Announcement and Music | |
PRB | Probe | |
PRCSG | Processing | |
PRCSR | Processor | |
PREAMP | Preamplifier | |
PRECOOL | Precooler | |
PRED | Prediction | |
PRED | Predictive | |
PRE-EMPT | Pre-emptive | |
PREREC | Prerecorded | |
PRES POS | Present Position | |
PRES POS | Present Position | |
PRESEL | Preselection, Preselector | |
PRESS | Pressure, Pressurization, Pressurize | |
PREV | Previous | |
PRF | Interrogation Rate | |
PRGM | Program | |
PRI | Priority | |
PRIM | Primary | |
PRIM | PRIMary Computer | |
PRIM | PRIMary System | |
PRL | Parallel | |
PRM | Person with Reduced Mobility | |
PROC | Procedure | |
PROC T | Procedure Turn | |
PROCSR | Processor | |
PROF | Profile | |
PROG | Program, Programming | |
PROG | Progress | |
PROJ | Projector | |
PROM | Programmable Read Only Memory | |
PROS | Present Position | |
PROT | Protection | |
PROX | Proximity | |
PRPHL | Peripheral | |
PRR | Power Ready Relay | |
PRS | Proof Reading Sheet | |
PRSOV | Pressure Regulating and Shut-Off Valve | |
PRSRZ | Pressurize | |
PRSRZG | Pressurizing | |
PRV | Pressure Regulating Valve | |
PS | Process Solution | |
PSA | Passenger Service Adapter | |
PSCU | Proximity Switch Control Unit | |
PSD | Protected Switch Device | |
PSDU | Power Supply Decoupling Unit | |
PSI | Pound per Square Inch | |
PSIA | Pounds per Square Inch Absolute | |
PSIC | Proximity Sensor Interface Card | |
PSIG | Pounds per Square Inch Gage | |
PSIU | Passenger Service Information Unit | |
PSNR | Positioner | |
PSQM | Propulsion System Quality Management | |
PSS | Passenger Services System | |
PSSTR | Preliminary Supplier Selection Technical Review | |
PSSTR | Pre-Selection Supplier Technical Review | |
PSU | Passenger Service Unit | |
PSU | Power Supply Unit | |
PSUD | Passenger Service Unit Decoder | |
PSV | Planned Shop Visit | |
PSW | Pressure Switch | |
PT | CODE Part Code | |
PT | Point | |
PT | Switching Pressure of HP Valve | |
PTC | Positive Temperature Coefficient | |
PTDC | Provisioning Technical Data Card | |
PTM | Performance Training Manual | |
PTP | Programming and Test Panel | |
PTR | Printer | |
PTR | Push to Reset | |
PTT | Push to Test | |
PTT | Push-to-Talk | |
PTT | Push-to-Test | |
PTU | Power Transfer Unit | |
PTU | Power Transformer Unit | |
PU | Panel Unit | |
PU | Parts Usage | |
PU | Pick Up | |
PU | Processing Unit | |
PURS | Purser | |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride | |
PVD | Para Visual Director | |
PVI | Paravisual Indicating | |
PVIS | Passenger Visual Information System | |
PW | Pratt & Whitney | |
PW | Pratt and Whitney | |
PWCU | Potable Water Control Unit | |
PWIP | Potable Water Indication Panel | |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulator | |
PWR | Power | |
PWS | Potable Water System | |
PWS | Predictive WindShear | |
PWSP | Potable Water Service Panel | |
PXE | Pre-boot eXecution Environment | |
PYL | Pylon |
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By Osmar septiembre 23, 2021