P Pressure
P Purple
P Roll Rate
P(-, +, OFF) Polarity (minus, plus, off)
P.ALT Profile Altitude
P.CLB Profile Climb
P.DES Profile Descent
P.EPR Profile EPR
P.MACH Profile Mach
P.N1 Profile N1
P.SPD Profile Speed
P/B Pushbutton
P/BSW Pushbutton Switch
P/C Premium Class
P/C Printed Circuit
P/L Payload
P/N Part Number
P/P ROM Preprocessor ROM
P/Y Premium Economy Class
PA AMP Passenger Address Amplifier
Pa Pascal
PA Passenger Address
PA Public Address
PADS Pneumatic Air Distribution System
PAL Programmable Array Logic
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PARAM Parameter
PARK Parking
PAS Pitch Attitude Sensor
PATS Passenger Air-to-Ground Telephone System
PAX Passenger
PAX PAX Announcement Entertainment & Service Multiplex Sys
PB Policy Board
PBD Place Bearing/Distance
PBE Protective Breathing Equipmemt
PBIT Power-Up Built-in Test
PBM Power Plant Build-up Manual
PBSELV Park Brake Selector Valve
PBSW Pushbutton Switch
PC Pack Controller
PC Packing Card
PC Personal Computer
PCA Portland Cement Association
PCA Positive Control Airspace
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCD Performance Compliance Document
PCD Protection and Commutation Device
PCDM Primary Contactor Driver Module
PCDS Primary Contactor Driver System
PCE Personal Consumption Expenditures
PCE PreCooler Exchanger
PCF Passenger Cum Freighter
PCM Power Conditioning Module
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCOS Power Cowl Opening System
PCPU Primary COS Power Unit
PCS Propulsion Control System
PCT Percent
PCT Probe Compensator Temperature
PCTI Performance Critical Item
PCU Passenger Control Unit
PCU Power Control Unit
PCU Power Controller Unit
PD Pitch Diameter
PD Principle Diagram
PDB Performance Database
PDC Panel Display Catalog
PDC Procurement Data Card
PDCS Power Distribution Control System
PDDC Provisioning Descriptive Data Card
PDFU Pedal Damping and Friction Unit
PDI Power and Data Interface
PDL Portable Data Loader
PDM Post Delivery Modification Material
PDMC Power Distribution Maintenance Computer
PDMI Power Distribution Maintenance Interface
PDMIC Power Distribution Maintenance Interface Contactor
PDMMF Power Distribution Monitoring and Maintenance Function
PDO Power Door Opening
PDOS Power Door Opening System
PDRC Procurement Data Reference Card
PDrS Pre-Defined repair Solution
PDT Probe Dual Temperature
PDU Power Drive Unit
PE HP Stage Air Pressure
PEA Production Environnement Airbus (Transnational Production SAP system)
PED Pedestal
PED Portable Electronic Device
PEDMU Primary Electrical Distribution Management Unit
PEF Pylon Extension Fairing
PEM Performance Engineers Manual
PEP Performance Engineers Programs
PEPDC Primary Electrical Power Distribution Center
PERC Percussion
PERF Performance
PERM Permanent
PERS Personal
PES Passenger Entertainment (System)
PES Passenger Entertainment System
PES Production Engineering Specification
PESAR Passenger Entertainment System Audio Reproducer
PESC PES Controller
PESMMUX Passenger Entertainment System Main Mux
PF Pilot Flying
PF Power Factor
PF3D Primary Full Format Flight Display
PFC Primary Flight Control
PFCS Primary Flight Control System
PFD Package Frontier Drawing
PFD Primary Flight Display
PFDB Power Floor Disconnect Box
PFEV Power Failure Event
PFIN Power Failure Interrupt
PFIS Passenger Flight Information System
PFM Perform
PFMD Performed
PFQ Preselected Fuel Quantity
PFR Post Flight Report
PFTU Pedal Feel and Trim Unit
PG BUS Program Bus
PG Page
pH Acidity or Alkalinity
PH Phase
PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
PHC Probe Heat Computer
PHD Protruding Head
phi Bank Angle
phi N Nominal Bank Angle
PHMU Power Health Monitoring Unit
PHMU Prognostic and Health Monitoring Unit
PHR Pounds per Hour
PI Procedure Turn to an Intercept
PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter
PIA Programmable Interface Adapter
PIESD Passenger Information and Entertainment Services Domain
PIH Pressure Interstage Hydraulic (PW eng)
PIM Passive InterModulation
PIM Programming and Indication Module
PIN PROG Pin Programming
PIN PROG Pin Programming
PIPC Power Plant Illustrated Parts Catalog
PIR Pressure Interstage Return
PIREP Pilot Reports
PISA Passenger Interface and Supply Adapter
PIU Passenger Information Unit
PIX Picture
PK Pink
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PKK Power Plant Kit
PL Plate
PL Plug
PLA Power Light Adapter
PLATF Platform
PLC Powerline Communication
PLCRD Placard
PLS Pulse
PLSP Point Level Sensor Processor
PLT Pilot
PLU Power Locking Unit
PLYWD Plywood
PM Phase Modulation
PM Pounds per Minute
PMA Parts Manufacturing Approval
PMA Permanent Magnet Alternator
PMAT Portable Multipurpose Access Terminal
PMC Power Management Control, Controller
PMC Process Material Control
PMDB Production Management Data Base
PMG Permanent Magnet Generator
PMM Personalization Memory Module
PMP Performance Monitoring Program
PMP Primary Maintenance Process
PMP Pump
PMR Performance Maintenance Recorder
PMR Progress Management Revies
PMR Project Management Reviews
PMS Process and Material Specification
PMT Process Management Team
PMU Power Management Unit
PMUX Power Plant Multiplexer
PMUX Propulsion Multiplexer
PN Part Number
PNEU Pneumatic
PNF Pilot Non Flying
PNL Panel
PNP Positive-Negative-Positive
PNR Part Number
PNTL Pintle
PO Pickoff
PO Process Owner
PO Production Organization
PO Purchase Order
POB Power-Off Brake
POB Pressure-Off Brake
PODD Passenger Owned Devices Domain
POM Point of Measurement
POR Part Order Request
POR Point of Regulation
PORT Portable
POS Position
POST Power on Self Test
POT Potentiometer
POXIP Passenger Oxygen Indication Panel
PP Process Parameter
PPB Provisioning Parts Breakdown
PPBU Power Plant Build Up
PPC Phosphor Protection Circuit
PPDC Provisioning Procurement Data Card
PPDES Product Performance Data Exchange Specifications
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PPIPC Power Plant IPC
PPM Parts per Million
PPM Performance Programs Manual
PPM Pulse Position Modulation
PPOS Present Position
PPS Polyphenylene sulfide
PPU Position Pickoff Unit
PQAS Program Quality Assurance System
PR Power Ready Relay
PR Pressure
PR Progress Meeting
PR Regulated Pressure (downstream of bleed valve)
PRAM Prerecorded Announcement and Music
PRB Probe
PRCSG Processing
PRCSR Processor
PREAMP Preamplifier
PRECOOL Precooler
PRED Prediction
PRED Predictive
PRE-EMPT Pre-emptive
PREREC Prerecorded
PRES POS Present Position
PRES POS Present Position
PRESEL Preselection, Preselector
PRESS Pressure, Pressurization, Pressurize
PREV Previous
PRF Interrogation Rate
PRGM Program
PRI Priority
PRIM Primary
PRIM PRIMary Computer
PRIM PRIMary System
PRL Parallel
PRM Person with Reduced Mobility
PROC Procedure
PROC T Procedure Turn
PROCSR Processor
PROF Profile
PROG Program, Programming
PROG Progress
PROJ Projector
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PROS Present Position
PROT Protection
PROX Proximity
PRPHL Peripheral
PRR Power Ready Relay
PRS Proof Reading Sheet
PRSOV Pressure Regulating and Shut-Off Valve
PRSRZ Pressurize
PRSRZG Pressurizing
PRV Pressure Regulating Valve
PS Process Solution
PSA Passenger Service Adapter
PSCU Proximity Switch Control Unit
PSD Protected Switch Device
PSDU Power Supply Decoupling Unit
PSI Pound per Square Inch
PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Absolute
PSIC Proximity Sensor Interface Card
PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gage
PSIU Passenger Service Information Unit
PSNR Positioner
PSQM Propulsion System Quality Management
PSS Passenger Services System
PSSTR Preliminary Supplier Selection Technical Review
PSSTR Pre-Selection Supplier Technical Review
PSU Passenger Service Unit
PSU Power Supply Unit
PSUD Passenger Service Unit Decoder
PSV Planned Shop Visit
PSW Pressure Switch
PT CODE Part Code
PT Point
PT Switching Pressure of HP Valve
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTDC Provisioning Technical Data Card
PTM Performance Training Manual
PTP Programming and Test Panel
PTR Printer
PTR Push to Reset
PTT Push to Test
PTT Push-to-Talk
PTT Push-to-Test
PTU Power Transfer Unit
PTU Power Transformer Unit
PU Panel Unit
PU Parts Usage
PU Pick Up
PU Processing Unit
PURS Purser
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
PVD Para Visual Director
PVI Paravisual Indicating
PVIS Passenger Visual Information System
PW Pratt & Whitney
PW Pratt and Whitney
PWCU Potable Water Control Unit
PWIP Potable Water Indication Panel
PWM Pulse Width Modulator
PWR Power
PWS Potable Water System
PWS Predictive WindShear
PWSP Potable Water Service Panel
PXE Pre-boot eXecution Environment
PYL Pylon