V Volt, Voltage
V Valve
V Violet
V/S Vertical Speed
V1 Critical Engine Failure Speed
V1 Decision Speed
V2 Takeoff Safety Speed
V2min Minimum Takeoff Safety Speed
V3 Flap Retraction Speed
V4 Slat Retraction Speed
VA Design Maneuvering Speed
VA Heading with an Altitude Termination
VAC Voltage Alternating Current
VACBI Video and Computer Based Instruction
VACU Vacuum
VAFN Variable Area Fan Nozzle
VALDN Validation
VAP Visual Approach Procedure
VAR Variable, Variation
VAR LEV HT Variable Lever Healthy
VAR Visual-Aural Radio Range
VASIS Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
VB Design Speed for Maximum Gust Intensity
VBV Variable Bleed Valve
Vc Calibrated Airspeed
VC Design Cruising Speed
VC Value Chain
VC Ventilation Controller
VCC Video Control Center
VCI Video Control Insert
VCM Video Camera Module
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCP Video Control Panel
VCRU Vapor Cycle Refrigeration Unit
VCS Ventilation Control System
VCTREND Airspeed Tendency
VCU Video Control Unit
VD Design Diving Speed
VD Heading to a DME Distance
VDAR Virtual DAR
VDC Voltage Direct Current
VDEV Vertical Deviation
VDF Very High Frequency Direction Finding Station
VDFMDF Demonstrated Flight Diving Speed
VDHM Variable Displacement Hydraulic Motor
VDL VHF Data Link
VDR VHF Data Radio
VDU Video Display Unit
VE Virtual Equipment
VEL Velocity
VENT Ventilation
VERT REV Vertical Revise
VERT Vertical
VF Design Flap Speed
VFCMFC Maximum Speed for Stability Characteristics
VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed
VFEN Predictive VFE at next flap/slat position
VFG Variable Frequency Generator
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VFTO Final Takeoff Speed
VG Ground Terminal Module
VG Vertical Gyro
VGM Versatile Graphical Module
VH Maximum Speed in Level Flight with Maximum Continuous Po
VHCU Versatile Heating Control Unit
VHDU Versatile Heating Data Unit
VHF Very High Frequency
VHV Very High Voltage
VI Heading to an Intercept
VIB Vibration
VIGV Variable Inlet Guide Vane
VIMU Video Multiplexer Unit
VISB Vendor Inspection Service Bulletin
VL Virtual Link
VLE Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed
VLF Very Low Frequency
VLLDC Very Low Level DC Voltage
VLO Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed
VLOF Lift-off Speed
VLS Lower Selectable Speed
VLV Valve
VM Heading with a Manual Termination
VM Maneuvering Speed
Vm Minimum Recommended Maneuvering Speed
Vm Recommended Maneuvering Speed
VM Voltmeter
VMAN Maneuvering Speed
Vmax Maximum Operating Speed
VMAX Maximun Allowable Airspeed
VMC Minimum Control Speed with One Engine Inoperative
VMC Visual Meteorogical Conditions
VMCA Minimum Control Airspeed
Vmin Minimum Operating Speed
VMO Maximum Operating Speed
VMOMMO Maximum Operating Limit Speed
VMS Minimum Selectable Speed
VMU Minimum Unstick Speed
VMU Video Modulator Unit
VN Grounding Point
VNE Never-Exceed Speed
VNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed
VOD Video On Demand
VODDSU VOD Data Server Unit
VODMU VOD Modulator Unit
VODSU VOD Server Unit
VOL Volume
VOR Very High Frequency Omnibearing Range
VOR Very High Frequency Omnidirectional and Radio Range
VOR Very High Frequency Omnirange Station
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range
VORTAC Visual Omni-Range Tactical Air Navigation
VORV Variable Oil Reduction Valve
VOT Voter
VQAR Virtual QAR
VR Rotation Speed
VR Voltage Regulator
VREF Landing Reference Speed
VR-HDG Heading to a Radial
VRMS Volt Root Mean Square
VRU Video Reproducer Unit
VS Min Steady Flt Spd at which Airplane is Controllable
VS Stalling Speed at which Airplane is Controllable
VS1 Min Steady Flt Spd obtained in a Specified Configuration
VS1 Stalling Speed obtained in a specified Configuration
VSB Vendor Service Bulletin
VSBN Vendor Service Bulletin Number
VSBT Vendor Service Bulletin Title
VSC Vacuum System Controller
VSCF Variable Speed Constant Frequency
VSD Vertical Situation Display
VSEB Video Seat Electronic Box
VSEL Autothrottle Selected - Approach Speed
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VSO Stalling Speed or Minimum Steady Flight Speed in the Lan
VSS Stick Shaker Speed
VSV Variable Stator Vane
VSVA Variable Stator Vane Actuator
VSW Stall Warning Speed
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
VT Vertical Tail
VTOSS Takeoff Safety Speed for Category A Rotorcraft
VTP Vertical Tail Plane
VTR Video Tape Reproducer
VTS Vacuum Toilet System
VU Virtual Unit
VV Velocity Vector
VWM Vendor Warranty Manual
VX Speed of Best Angle of Climb
VY Speed for Best Rate of Climb