C | ||
C | Celsius, Centigrade | |
C | Clear | |
C | Close | |
C | Cold (Electric Point) | |
C | Comparator | |
C | Convertible | |
C | Cyan | |
c | Equal Margin | |
C/B | Circuit Breaker | |
C/L | Check List | |
C/M | Command/Monitor | |
C/M | Crew Member | |
C/O | Change Over | |
C/S | Call Sign | |
C/SSR | Cost/Schedule Status Report | |
CA | Cable | |
CA | Cable Assembly | |
CA/CRL | Certification Authority/Certificate Revocation List | |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority | |
CAB | Cabin | |
CAB PRESS | Cabin Pressurization | |
CAD | Computer Aided Design | |
CaDoc | Cabin Documentation Display | |
CAG | Circulation Aerienne Generale | |
CAGE | Commercial and Government Entity | |
CAI | Combustion Area Inspection | |
CAL | Calibration, Calibrated | |
CALC | Cargo Acceptance and Load Control | |
CAM | Cabin Assignment Module | |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing | |
CAMO | Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation | |
CAN | Canopy | |
CAN | Controller Area Network | |
CANC | Cancel | |
CANC | Cancellation | |
CANCD | Cancelled | |
CANTIL | Cantilever | |
CAO | Cargo Aircraft Only | |
CAOA | Corrected Angle Of Attack | |
CAOM | Cabin Attendant Operating Manual | |
CAP | Capacitor | |
CAPLTY | Capability | |
CAPT | Captain | |
CAR | Cargo | |
CAR | Civil Aviation Requirements | |
CARE | Continuing Airframe - Health Review and Evaluation | |
CARP | Carpet | |
CAS | Cabin Attendant Seat | |
CAS | Calculated Air Speed | |
CAS | Calibrated Air Speed | |
CAS | Collision Avoidance System | |
CAS | Computed Air Speed | |
CAT | Category | |
CAT | Clear Air Turbulence | |
CATCH | Complex Anomaly Tracking and Search | |
CATS | Cross Application Time Sheet | |
CAUT | Caution | |
CAUT LT | Caution Light | |
CAX | Compartment Air Extraction | |
CB | Circuit Breaker | |
CBAL | Counterbalance | |
CBB | Connexion By Boeing | |
CBIT | Continuous BITE | |
CBM | Circuit Breaker Monitoring | |
CBMF | Circuit Breaker Monitoring Function | |
CBMS | Circuit Breaker Monitoring System | |
CBMU | Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit | |
CBO | Cycles between Overhaul | |
CBORE | Counterbore | |
CBP | Circuit Breaker Panel | |
CBR | California Bearing Ratio | |
CBSV | Cycles Between Scheduled Visits | |
CC | Current Comparator | |
CCB | Cargo Control Box | |
CCB | Compartment Control Box | |
CCC | Component Change Card | |
CCC | Crash Crew Chart | |
CCCP | Compressor Cavity Control Pressure | |
CCD | Cabin Crew Data | |
CCD | Cursor Control Device | |
CCG | Cabin Configuration Guide | |
CCITT | Consultative Committee International Telegraphy & Teleph | |
CCMail | Cabin Crew Mailing | |
CCOC | Combustion Casing Outer Case | |
CCOM | Cabin Crew Operating Manual | |
CCQ | Crew Cross Qualification | |
CCR | Credit Card Reader | |
CCR | Customer Change Register | |
CCRC | Cabin Crew Rest Compartment | |
CCRM | Cabin Crew Rest Module | |
CCS | Cabin Communications System | |
CCU | CSAS Control Unit | |
CCW | Counter Clockwise | |
CD | Cold Drawn | |
CD | Compact Disk | |
CD | Control Display | |
CD | Count Drag | |
CDA | Continuous Descent Approach | |
CDAM | Centralized Data Acquisition Module | |
CDAS | Cargo Door Actuation System | |
CDAU | Centralized Data Acquisition Unit | |
CDC | Cargo Door Controller | |
CDC | Crash Detection Circuit | |
CDCCL | Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations | |
CDCV | Cargo Door Control Valve | |
CDDS | Component Documentation Data System | |
CDE | Consumption Data Exchange Card | |
CDIM | Component Data Instruction Manual | |
CDL | Configuration Deviation List | |
CDLC | Centralized Data Loading Connector | |
CDLCU | Cockpit Door Locking Control Unit | |
CDLS | Cockpit Door Locking System | |
CDM | Cockpit Door Module | |
CDM | Coolant Distribution Module | |
CDP | Compressor Discharge Pressure | |
CD-ROM | Compact Disc - Read Only Memory | |
CDS | Cold Drawn Steel | |
CDS | Component Documentation Status | |
CDS | Control and Display System | |
CDSS | Cockpit Door Surveillance System | |
CDSU | Cockpit Door Surveillance Unit | |
CDT | Component Delivery Team | |
CDU | Center Drive Unit | |
CDU | Control and Display Unit | |
CD-WD | Component Data Working Document | |
CE | Centralized Equipment | |
CECAM | Centralized Cabin Monitoring | |
CED | Cooling Effect Detector | |
CEH | Complex Electronic Hardware | |
CEL | Component Evolution List | |
CELLI | Ceiling Emergency LED Light | |
CEO | Current Engine Option | |
CER | Circulation Essais Réception | |
CER | Contrôle Essais et Réception | |
CEV | Clutch Electro Valve | |
CF | Course to a Fixed Waypoint | |
CFC | Carbon Fiber Composite | |
CFDIU | Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit | |
CFDS | Centralized Fault Display System | |
CFE | Customer Furnished Equipment | |
CFFC | Cockpit Fixed Frequency Converter | |
CFH | Cubic Feet per Hour | |
CFM | Cable Fabrication Manual | |
CFM | Cubic Feet per Minute | |
CFMI | CFM International | |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | |
CFR | Current Flight Report | |
CFRP | Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic | |
CFS | Cabin File Server | |
CFS | Cold Finished Steel | |
CFVCU | Cargo Fire Verification Control Unit | |
CFVS | Cargo Fire Verification System | |
CG | Center of Gravity | |
CGCC | Center of Gravity Control Computer | |
CGCS | Center of Gravity Control System | |
CGM | Computer Graphics Metafile | |
CH | Cargo Hold | |
CH | Centre Hatrack | |
CH | Character | |
CH | Charge | |
CHAM | Chamfer | |
CHAN | Channel | |
CHAS | Chassis | |
CHG | Change | |
CHM | Chime | |
CHMBR | Chamber | |
CHRG | Charge | |
CHRO | Chronometer | |
CI | Cast iron | |
CI | Configuration Item | |
CI | Conversion Instruction | |
CI | Cost Index | |
CI | Course to an Intercept | |
Ci | Curie | |
CICS | Customer Information Control System | |
CICS/VS | Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage | |
CIDS | Cabin Intercommunication Data System | |
CIM | Continuous Image Microfilm | |
CIN | Change Identification No. | |
CINS | Cabin Information Network System | |
CIR | Common Information Repository | |
CIT | Compressor Inlet Temperature | |
CIU | Camera Interface Unit | |
CJC | Cold Junction Compensation | |
CK | Check | |
CKD | Checked | |
CKPT | Cockpit | |
CKT | Circuit | |
CL | Center Line | |
CL | Check List | |
CL | Clip | |
CL | Clutch | |
CL/OP | Closure/Opening | |
CLB | Climb | |
CLCTR | Collector | |
CLD | Closed | |
CLDB | Component Location Data Bank | |
CLEDU | Cabin LED Unit | |
CLG | Ceiling | |
CLG | Centerline Landing Gear | |
CLK | Clock | |
CLM | Component Location Manual | |
CLN | Clinometer | |
CLNG | Ceiling | |
CLOG | Clogging | |
CLOGD | Clogged | |
CLP | Clamp | |
CLPR | Clapper | |
CLR ALT | Clearance Altitude | |
CLR | Clear | |
CLRD | Cleared | |
CLRNC | Clearance | |
CLS | Cargo Loading System | |
CLS | Cargo Loading System Manual | |
CLSD | Closed | |
CLSG | Closing | |
CLTM | Component Location Training Manual | |
CLV | Clevis | |
CM | Call Maintenance | |
CM | Centimeters | |
CM | Collective Modification | |
CM | Conversion Manual | |
CM | Conversion Module | |
CM | Crew Member | |
CMC | Central Maintenance Computer | |
CMD | Command | |
CMEU | Cabin Passenger Management Memory Expansion Unit | |
CMF | Central Maintenance Function | |
CMFLR | Cam Follower | |
CML | Consumable Material List | |
CMM | Calibration Memory Module | |
CMM | Component Maintenance Manual | |
CMM IPL | Component Maintenance Manual Illustrated Parts List | |
CMMM | Component Maintenance Manual Manufacturer | |
CMMV | Component Maintenance Manual Vendor | |
C-MOS | Complementary Metal Oxyde Semiconductor | |
CMP | Customer Maintenance Program | |
CMPLRY | Complementary | |
CMPLTD | Completed | |
CMPNT | Component | |
CMPS CPLR | Compass Coupler | |
CMPTG | Computing | |
CMPTR | Computer | |
CMR | Certification Maintenance Requirements | |
CMRLR | Cam Roller | |
CMS | Cabin Management System | |
CMS | Central Maintenance System | |
CMS | Centralized Maintenance System | |
CMS | Code Matière Société | |
CMS | Component Maintenance Sheet | |
CMT | Cabin Management Terminal | |
CMU | Communications Management Unit | |
CMV | Concentrator and Multiplexer for Video | |
CNA | Common Nozzle Assembly | |
CNCT | Connect | |
CNCTD | Connected | |
CNCTN | Connection | |
CNCTR | Connector | |
CNCTRC | Concentric | |
CNCV | Concave | |
CND | Conduit | |
CNQ | Cost of Non Quality | |
CNSU | Cabin Network Server Unit | |
CNTNR | Container | |
CNTOR | Contactor | |
CNTR | Counter | |
CNTRTR | Concentrator | |
CNU | Cabin Network Unit | |
CO | Company | |
CO | Cut-Off | |
CO RTE | Company Route | |
COAS | Cabin Operations Applications System | |
COAX | Coaxial | |
COC | Cabin Operation Center | |
COC | Customer Originated Change | |
COCT | Cabin Operations Consultation Tool | |
COHO | Coherent Oscillator | |
COL | Column | |
COLLI | Contour LED Light | |
COM | Command | |
COM | Common | |
COM | Communication | |
CombL | Combustible Liquid | |
COMC | CSAS Overheat Monitoring Controller | |
COMDL | Coding Module | |
COML | Commercial | |
COMP | Compass | |
COMP | Compensator | |
COMPSN | Compensation | |
COMPT | Compartment | |
COMPT TEMP | Compartment Temperature | |
COMPTR | Comparator | |
COMTN | Commutation | |
COND | Conditioned, Conditioning | |
CONDTN | Condition | |
CONDTR | Conditioner | |
CONFIG | Configuration | |
CONFIRMD | Confirmed | |
CONSUMPT | Consumption | |
CONT | Continue, Continuous | |
CONT | Contour | |
CONT | Controller | |
CONV | Converter | |
COOL | Cooling, Cooler | |
COOL | Cooler | |
COOLG | Cooling | |
COOLR | Cooler | |
COORD | Coordinate | |
COORD | Coordination | |
COPI | Copilot | |
Cor.M | Corrosive Material | |
CORA | Customer Order Administration | |
CORCTD | Corrected | |
CORR | Correct | |
CORR | Corrugate | |
CORR | Corrugation | |
COS | Cosine | |
COS | Cowl Opening System | |
COT | Cotter | |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf | |
COUNT | Counter | |
COV | Cover | |
COWL | Cowling | |
CP | Change Process | |
CP | Clock Pulse | |
CPC | Cabin Pressure Controller | |
CPCS | Cabin Pressure Control System | |
CPCU | Cabin Pressure Control Unit | |
CPDB | Customized Performance DataBase | |
CPDLC | Controller-Pilot DataLink Communications | |
CPIF | Control Power Intermediate Frequency | |
CPIOM | Core Processing Input/Output Module | |
CPL | Couple | |
CPLD | Coupled | |
CPLG | Coupling | |
CPLR | Coupler | |
CPMS | Cabin and Passenger Management System | |
CPMU | Cabin Passenger Management Unit | |
CPNY | Company | |
CPRSR | Compressor | |
CPT | Capture | |
CPU | Central Processing Unit | |
CR | CA Reallocation Request (notification type for ACR in ARP) | |
CR | Cold Rolled | |
CRC | Camera Ready Copy | |
CRC | Centralized Radio Control | |
CRC | Continuous Repetitive Chime | |
CRC | Crew Rest Compartment | |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | |
CRCCG | Cabin Crew Rest Compartment Configuration Guide | |
CRDC | Common Remote Data Concentrator | |
CRE | Corrosion-Resistant | |
CRES | Corrosion-Resistant Steel | |
CRG | Cargo | |
CRI | Certification Review Item | |
CRK | Crank | |
CRL | Collar | |
CRM | Communication Router Module | |
CROSSFEEDR | Crossfeeder | |
CRS | Certificate of Release to Service | |
CRS | Cold Rolled Steel | |
CRS | Course | |
CRSN | Corrosion | |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube | |
CRU | Cabin Router Unit | |
CRU | Card Reader Unit | |
CRU | Central Refirgeration Unit | |
CRZ | Cruise | |
CS | Cabin Cleaners Steps | |
CS | Call Switch | |
CS | Center Spar | |
CS | Centistokes | |
CS | Certification Specification | |
CSAS | Conditioned Service Air System | |
CSAS | Cooled Service Air System | |
CSBS | Controllable Sunlight Blocking System | |
CSBSU | Controllable Sunlight Blocking System Unit | |
CSD | Constant Speed Drive | |
CSD | Customer Support Director | |
CSDD | Common Support Data Dictionary | |
CSDM | Cargo Smoke Detection Module | |
CSE | Course Set Error | |
CSF/L | Continuous Safe Flight/Landing | |
CSI | Cycles Since Installation | |
CSK | Countersink | |
CSKH | Countersunk Head | |
CSL | Console | |
CSM | Computer Software Manual | |
CSM/G | Constant Speed Motor/Generator | |
CSN | Catalog Sequence Number | |
CSR | Certificate Signing Request | |
CSTG | Casting | |
CSTR | Constraint | |
CSU | Command Sensor Unit | |
CSV | Cycles Since Last Shop Visit | |
CT | Center Tape | |
CT | Current Transformer | |
CTA | Control Area | |
CTF | Central Test Facilities | |
CTF.P | Central Test Facility Response | |
CTF.Q | Central Test Facility Questions | |
CTK | Capacity Tonne Kilometre | |
CTK | Center Tank | |
CTL | Central | |
CTL | Control | |
CTLR | Controller | |
CTR | Center | |
CTR | Contour | |
CTR | Control Zone | |
CTRD | Centered | |
CTSK | Countersunk | |
CTU | Cabin Telecommunications Unit | |
CTWT | Counterweight | |
CU | Cockpit Unit | |
CU | Control Unit | |
cu | Cubic | |
CUDU | Current Unbalance Detection Unit | |
CUR | Current | |
CVDR | Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder | |
CVL | Configuration Variation List | |
CVM | Cabin Video Monitoring | |
CVMS | Cabin Video Monitoring System | |
CVR | Cockpit Voice Recorder | |
CVRS | Cockpit Voice Recorder System | |
CVS | Cargo Video Surveillance | |
CVT | Center Vent Tube | |
CVU | Crypto Voice Unit | |
CW | Clockwise | |
CW | Continuous Wave | |
CWB | Center Wing Box | |
CWG | Cockpit Working Group | |
CWLU | Cabin Wireless LAN Unit | |
CWS | Cabin Work Station | |
CWS | Control Wheel Steering | |
CWSIU | Combined Wheel Speed Interface Unit | |
CWY | Clearway | |
CY | Calendar Year - Current Year | |
CY | Cycle | |
CYL | Cylinder |
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By Osmar septiembre 22, 2021