C Celsius, Centigrade
CCold (Electric Point)
cEqual Margin
C/BCircuit Breaker
C/L Check List
C/M Command/Monitor
C/M Crew Member
C/O Change Over
C/S Call Sign
C/SSR Cost/Schedule Status Report
CA Cable
CA Cable Assembly
CA/CRL Certification Authority/Certificate Revocation List
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAB Cabin
CAB PRESS Cabin Pressurization
CAD Computer Aided Design
CaDoc Cabin Documentation Display
CAG Circulation Aerienne Generale
CAGE Commercial and Government Entity
CAI Combustion Area Inspection
CAL Calibration, Calibrated
CALC Cargo Acceptance and Load Control
CAM Cabin Assignment Module
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation
CAN Canopy
CAN Controller Area Network
CANC Cancel
CANC Cancellation
CANCD Cancelled
CANTIL Cantilever
CAO Cargo Aircraft Only
CAOA Corrected Angle Of Attack
CAOM Cabin Attendant Operating Manual
CAP Capacitor
CAPLTY Capability
CAPT Captain
CAR Cargo
CAR Civil Aviation Requirements
CARE Continuing Airframe - Health Review and Evaluation
CARP Carpet
CAS Cabin Attendant Seat
CAS Calculated Air Speed
CAS Calibrated Air Speed
CAS Collision Avoidance System
CAS Computed Air Speed
CAT Category
CAT Clear Air Turbulence
CATCH Complex Anomaly Tracking and Search
CATS Cross Application Time Sheet
CAUT Caution
CAUT LT Caution Light
CAX Compartment Air Extraction
CB Circuit Breaker
CBAL Counterbalance
CBB Connexion By Boeing
CBIT Continuous BITE
CBM Circuit Breaker Monitoring
CBMF Circuit Breaker Monitoring Function
CBMS Circuit Breaker Monitoring System
CBMU Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit
CBO Cycles between Overhaul
CBORE Counterbore
CBP Circuit Breaker Panel
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CBSV Cycles Between Scheduled Visits
CC Current Comparator
CCB Cargo Control Box
CCB Compartment Control Box
CCC Component Change Card
CCC Crash Crew Chart
CCCP Compressor Cavity Control Pressure
CCD Cabin Crew Data
CCD Cursor Control Device
CCG Cabin Configuration Guide
CCITT Consultative Committee International Telegraphy & Teleph
CCMail Cabin Crew Mailing
CCOC Combustion Casing Outer Case
CCOM Cabin Crew Operating Manual
CCQ Crew Cross Qualification
CCR Credit Card Reader
CCR Customer Change Register
CCRC Cabin Crew Rest Compartment
CCRM Cabin Crew Rest Module
CCS Cabin Communications System
CCU CSAS Control Unit
CCW Counter Clockwise
CD Cold Drawn
CD Compact Disk
CD Control Display
CD Count Drag
CDA Continuous Descent Approach
CDAM Centralized Data Acquisition Module
CDAS Cargo Door Actuation System
CDAU Centralized Data Acquisition Unit
CDC Cargo Door Controller
CDC Crash Detection Circuit
CDCCL Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations
CDCV Cargo Door Control Valve
CDDS Component Documentation Data System
CDE Consumption Data Exchange Card
CDIM Component Data Instruction Manual
CDL Configuration Deviation List
CDLC Centralized Data Loading Connector
CDLCU Cockpit Door Locking Control Unit
CDLS Cockpit Door Locking System
CDM Cockpit Door Module
CDM Coolant Distribution Module
CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure
CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only Memory
CDS Cold Drawn Steel
CDS Component Documentation Status
CDS Control and Display System
CDSS Cockpit Door Surveillance System
CDSU Cockpit Door Surveillance Unit
CDT Component Delivery Team
CDU Center Drive Unit
CDU Control and Display Unit
CD-WD Component Data Working Document
CE Centralized Equipment
CECAM Centralized Cabin Monitoring
CED Cooling Effect Detector
CEH Complex Electronic Hardware
CEL Component Evolution List
CELLI Ceiling Emergency LED Light
CEO Current Engine Option
CER Circulation Essais Réception
CER Contrôle Essais et Réception
CEV Clutch Electro Valve
CF Course to a Fixed Waypoint
CFC Carbon Fiber Composite
CFDIU Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit
CFDS Centralized Fault Display System
CFE Customer Furnished Equipment
CFFC Cockpit Fixed Frequency Converter
CFH Cubic Feet per Hour
CFM Cable Fabrication Manual
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
CFMI CFM International
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CFR Current Flight Report
CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CFS Cabin File Server
CFS Cold Finished Steel
CFVCU Cargo Fire Verification Control Unit
CFVS Cargo Fire Verification System
CG Center of Gravity
CGCC Center of Gravity Control Computer
CGCS Center of Gravity Control System
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
CH Cargo Hold
CH Centre Hatrack
CH Character
CH Charge
CHAM Chamfer
CHAN Channel
CHAS Chassis
CHG Change
CHM Chime
CHMBR Chamber
CHRG Charge
CHRO Chronometer
CI Cast iron
CI Configuration Item
CI Conversion Instruction
CI Cost Index
CI Course to an Intercept
Ci Curie
CICS Customer Information Control System
CICS/VS Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage
CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System
CIM Continuous Image Microfilm
CIN Change Identification No.
CINS Cabin Information Network System
CIR Common Information Repository
CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature
CIU Camera Interface Unit
CJC Cold Junction Compensation
CK Check
CKD Checked
CKPT Cockpit
CKT Circuit
CL Center Line
CL Check List
CL Clip
CL Clutch
CL/OP Closure/Opening
CLB Climb
CLCTR Collector
CLD Closed
CLDB Component Location Data Bank
CLEDU Cabin LED Unit
CLG Ceiling
CLG Centerline Landing Gear
CLK Clock
CLM Component Location Manual
CLN Clinometer
CLNG Ceiling
CLOG Clogging
CLOGD Clogged
CLP Clamp
CLPR Clapper
CLR ALT Clearance Altitude
CLR Clear
CLRD Cleared
CLRNC Clearance
CLS Cargo Loading System
CLS Cargo Loading System Manual
CLSD Closed
CLSG Closing
CLTM Component Location Training Manual
CLV Clevis
CM Call Maintenance
CM Centimeters
CM Collective Modification
CM Conversion Manual
CM Conversion Module
CM Crew Member
CMC Central Maintenance Computer
CMD Command
CMEU Cabin Passenger Management Memory Expansion Unit
CMF Central Maintenance Function
CMFLR Cam Follower
CML Consumable Material List
CMM Calibration Memory Module
CMM Component Maintenance Manual
CMM IPL Component Maintenance Manual Illustrated Parts List
CMMM Component Maintenance Manual Manufacturer
CMMV Component Maintenance Manual Vendor
C-MOS Complementary Metal Oxyde Semiconductor
CMP Customer Maintenance Program
CMPLRY Complementary
CMPLTD Completed
CMPNT Component
CMPS CPLR Compass Coupler
CMPTG Computing
CMPTR Computer
CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements
CMRLR Cam Roller
CMS Cabin Management System
CMS Central Maintenance System
CMS Centralized Maintenance System
CMS Code Matière Société
CMS Component Maintenance Sheet
CMT Cabin Management Terminal
CMU Communications Management Unit
CMV Concentrator and Multiplexer for Video
CNA Common Nozzle Assembly
CNCT Connect
CNCTD Connected
CNCTN Connection
CNCTR Connector
CNCTRC Concentric
CNCV Concave
CND Conduit
CNQ Cost of Non Quality
CNSU Cabin Network Server Unit
CNTNR Container
CNTOR Contactor
CNTR Counter
CNTRTR Concentrator
CNU Cabin Network Unit
CO Company
CO Cut-Off
CO RTE Company Route
COAS Cabin Operations Applications System
COAX Coaxial
COC Cabin Operation Center
COC Customer Originated Change
COCT Cabin Operations Consultation Tool
COHO Coherent Oscillator
COL Column
COLLI Contour LED Light
COM Command
COM Common
COM Communication
CombL Combustible Liquid
COMC CSAS Overheat Monitoring Controller
COMDL Coding Module
COML Commercial
COMP Compass
COMP Compensator
COMPSN Compensation
COMPT Compartment
COMPT TEMP Compartment Temperature
COMPTR Comparator
COMTN Commutation
COND Conditioned, Conditioning
CONDTN Condition
CONDTR Conditioner
CONFIG Configuration
CONFIRMD Confirmed
CONSUMPT Consumption
CONT Continue, Continuous
CONT Contour
CONT Controller
CONV Converter
COOL Cooling, Cooler
COOL Cooler
COOLG Cooling
COOLR Cooler
COORD Coordinate
COORD Coordination
COPI Copilot
Cor.M Corrosive Material
CORA Customer Order Administration
CORCTD Corrected
CORR Correct
CORR Corrugate
CORR Corrugation
COS Cosine
COS Cowl Opening System
COT Cotter
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
COUNT Counter
COV Cover
COWL Cowling
CP Change Process
CP Clock Pulse
CPC Cabin Pressure Controller
CPCS Cabin Pressure Control System
CPCU Cabin Pressure Control Unit
CPDB Customized Performance DataBase
CPDLC Controller-Pilot DataLink Communications
CPIF Control Power Intermediate Frequency
CPIOM Core Processing Input/Output Module
CPL Couple
CPLD Coupled
CPLG Coupling
CPLR Coupler
CPMS Cabin and Passenger Management System
CPMU Cabin Passenger Management Unit
CPNY Company
CPRSR Compressor
CPT Capture
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR CA Reallocation Request (notification type for ACR in ARP)
CR Cold Rolled
CRC Camera Ready Copy
CRC Centralized Radio Control
CRC Continuous Repetitive Chime
CRC Crew Rest Compartment
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRCCG Cabin Crew Rest Compartment Configuration Guide
CRDC Common Remote Data Concentrator
CRE Corrosion-Resistant
CRES Corrosion-Resistant Steel
CRG Cargo
CRI Certification Review Item
CRK Crank
CRL Collar
CRM Communication Router Module
CRS Certificate of Release to Service
CRS Cold Rolled Steel
CRS Course
CRSN Corrosion
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRU Cabin Router Unit
CRU Card Reader Unit
CRU Central Refirgeration Unit
CRZ Cruise
CS Cabin Cleaners Steps
CS Call Switch
CS Center Spar
CS Centistokes
CS Certification Specification
CSAS Conditioned Service Air System
CSAS Cooled Service Air System
CSBS Controllable Sunlight Blocking System
CSBSU Controllable Sunlight Blocking System Unit
CSD Constant Speed Drive
CSD Customer Support Director
CSDD Common Support Data Dictionary
CSDM Cargo Smoke Detection Module
CSE Course Set Error
CSF/L Continuous Safe Flight/Landing
CSI Cycles Since Installation
CSK Countersink
CSKH Countersunk Head
CSL Console
CSM Computer Software Manual
CSM/G Constant Speed Motor/Generator
CSN Catalog Sequence Number
CSR Certificate Signing Request
CSTG Casting
CSTR Constraint
CSU Command Sensor Unit
CSV Cycles Since Last Shop Visit
CT Center Tape
CT Current Transformer
CTA Control Area
CTF Central Test Facilities
CTF.P Central Test Facility Response
CTF.Q Central Test Facility Questions
CTK Capacity Tonne Kilometre
CTK Center Tank
CTL Central
CTL Control
CTLR Controller
CTR Center
CTR Contour
CTR Control Zone
CTRD Centered
CTSK Countersunk
CTU Cabin Telecommunications Unit
CTWT Counterweight
CU Cockpit Unit
CU Control Unit
cu Cubic
CUDU Current Unbalance Detection Unit
CUR Current
CVDR Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder
CVL Configuration Variation List
CVM Cabin Video Monitoring
CVMS Cabin Video Monitoring System
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder
CVRS Cockpit Voice Recorder System
CVS Cargo Video Surveillance
CVT Center Vent Tube
CVU Crypto Voice Unit
CW Clockwise
CW Continuous Wave
CWB Center Wing Box
CWG Cockpit Working Group
CWLU Cabin Wireless LAN Unit
CWS Cabin Work Station
CWS Control Wheel Steering
CWSIU Combined Wheel Speed Interface Unit
CWY Clearway
CY Calendar Year - Current Year
CY Cycle
CYL Cylinder