I | ||
I | Inertial | |
I | Invoice Card | |
I/I | Inspection/Interval | |
I/O | Input/Output | |
I/P | Input | |
I/P | Intercept Point | |
I/P | Intercept Profile | |
IAE | International Aero Engines | |
IAF | Initial Approach Fix | |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed | |
IAS | Inspection Approval Sheet | |
IASC | Integrated Air System Controller | |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | |
IAW | In Accordance with | |
IAWP | Initial Approach Waypoint | |
IBIT | Initiated BITE | |
IBLC | Inter-Bus Line Contactor | |
IBN | Identification Beacon | |
IBU | Integrated Ballast Unit | |
IC | Integrated Circuit | |
IC | Invoice Control Card | |
ICA | Instructions for Continued Airworthiness | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation | |
ICC | Integrated Change Control | |
ICCAIA | Inter Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Asso | |
ICD | Interface Control Document | |
ICE | In Circuit Emulation | |
ICP | Integrated Control Panel | |
ICPS | Integrated Control Panel System | |
ICS | Independent Check Sheet | |
ICU | IGGS Control Unit | |
ICU | IGGS Controller Unit | |
ICU | Isolation Control Unit | |
ICY | Interchangeability | |
ICY-CS | Interchangeability Compliance Sheet | |
ID | Identification | |
ID | Inside Diameter | |
ID PL | Identification Plate | |
IDC | Instrument Display Catalog | |
IDENT | Identification, Identifier, Identify | |
IDG | Integrated Drive Generator | |
IDLS | Internal Door Locking System | |
IDP | Integrated Data Processing | |
IDU | Interactive Display Unit | |
IF | Initial Fix | |
IF | Intermediate Frequency | |
IFDDS | to be removed | |
IFE | In-Flight Entertainment | |
IFEC | In-Flight Entertainment Center | |
IFP | In Flight Performance Computation Program | |
IFPA | InFlight Performance Application | |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules | |
IFS | Inner Fixed Structure | |
IFTB | In flight Turn back | |
IGA | Intermediate Gain Antenna | |
IGB | Inlet Gear Box | |
IGDS | Inert Gas Distribution System | |
IGGS | Inert Gas Generation System | |
IGN | Ignition | |
IGSC | Inert Gas System Control | |
IGV | Inlet Guide Vane | |
IGWI | Integrated Galley Warming Insert | |
IIPD | Illustrated Initial Provisioning Document | |
ILLUM | Illumination | |
ILLUMD | Illuminated | |
ILS | Instrument Landing System (LOC and G/S) | |
IM | ILS Inner Marker | |
IMA | Integrated Modular Avionics | |
IMACS | Information Management Aircraft-ground Communication System | |
IMC | Indirect Maintenance Cost | |
IMCC | Information Management Common Chassis | |
IML | Integration Maintenance Load | |
IMM | Immediate | |
IMR | Interlock Monitoring Relay | |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit | |
IN | HG Inches of Mercury | |
in | Inch | |
IN | Inch | |
INA | Initial Approach | |
INB | Inbound | |
INBD | Inboard | |
INCLG | Including | |
INCR | Increase | |
INCR | Increment | |
IND | Indicator | |
INDEP | Independent | |
INDG | Indicating | |
INFO | Information | |
INHI | Inhibit | |
INHIB | Inhibit, Inhibited, Inhibition | |
INIT | Initial(ization) | |
IN-LBS | Inch-pounds | |
INOP | Inoperative | |
INP | Input | |
INR | Inner | |
INRTL | Inertial | |
INS | Inertial Navigation System | |
INSP | Inspection | |
INST | Instinctive | |
INST | Instrument | |
INSTL | Installation | |
INSTLLD | Installed | |
INSTM | Instrumentation | |
INSUL | Insulate, Insulation, Insulator | |
INT | Interior | |
INT | Interrupt | |
INT | Intersection | |
INTCON | Interconnection | |
INTCP | Intercept | |
INTEG | Integral | |
INTEG | Integrally | |
INTEN | Intensity | |
INTERCOM | Intercommunication | |
INTFC | Interface | |
INTG | Integral | |
INTGT | Integrate, Integrating | |
INTL | Internal | |
INTLK | Interlock | |
INTMD | Intermediate | |
INTMT | Intermittent | |
INTPH | Interphone | |
INTR | Interior | |
INTRG | Interrogate, Interrogator | |
INTRPT | Interrupt | |
INU | Inertial Navigation Unit | |
INV | Inverter | |
INWP | Intermediate Waypoint | |
IOC | Indirect Operating Cost | |
IOM | Input/Output Module | |
IOR | Immediate Operational Requirement | |
IoT | Internet of Things | |
IP | Intermediate Pressure | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IP | Invoice Packing Card | |
IPC | Illustrated Parts Catalog | |
IPC | Intermediate Pressure Bleed Check Valve | |
IPCOM | Internet Protocol Communication | |
IPCT | Initial Provisioning Coordination Team | |
IPCU | Ice Protection Control Unit | |
IPCV | Intermediate Pressure Check Valve | |
IPD | Illustrated Parts Data | |
IPD | Illustrated Provisioning Document | |
IPD | Initial Provisioning Data | |
IPDU | Ice Protection Data Unit | |
IPL | Illustrated Parts List | |
IPPU | Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit | |
IPRAM | Integrated Prerecorded Announcement Module | |
IPS | Incorrect Phase Sequence | |
IPSM | Intelligent Power Supply Module | |
IPT | Inadvertent Power Transfer | |
IPTCC | Intermediate Pressure Turbine Case Cooling | |
IPV | Indicator Para Visual | |
IR | Inertial Reference | |
IRAN | Inspection and Repair As Necessary | |
IRD | Integrated Receiver Decoder | |
IRDC | Interface Remote Data Concentrator | |
IRDM | Integrated Receiver Decoder Module | |
IRP | Integrated Refuel Panel | |
IRQ | Interrupt Request | |
Irr.M | Irritating Material | |
IRS | Inertial Reference System | |
IRS | Inspection Report System | |
IRU | Inertial Reference Unit | |
ISA | Inertial Sensor Assembly | |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere | |
ISB | Inspection Service Bulletin | |
ISB | Inter-System Bus | |
ISDN | Integrated Services Data Network | |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network | |
ISDPL | Inadvertent Slide Deployment Prevention Light | |
ISDS | In Service Data Sharing | |
ISDU | Inertial Sensor Display Unit (IRS) | |
ISG | Instrument Symbol Generator Unit | |
ISI | In Service Information | |
ISIS | Integrated Standby Instrument System | |
ISM | Illumination Sensor Module | |
ISM | In-Service Monitoring | |
ISO | International Standardization Organisation | |
ISOL | Isolation | |
ISP | Integrated Static Probe | |
ISPS | In-Seat Power Supply | |
ISPSS | In-Seat Power Supply System | |
ISPSU | In-Seat Power Supply Unit | |
ISS | Inertial Sensor System | |
ISU | Inertial Sensor Unit | |
ISWL | Isolated Single Wheel Load | |
IT | Interruption | |
ITCM | Initial Technical Coordination Meeting | |
ITD | Inspection Technical Dossier | |
ITP | In-Trail Procedure | |
IUL | In-Use Light | |
IV | Isolation Valve | |
IVASEB | Integrated Video and Audio Seat Electronic Box | |
IVS | Inertial Vertical Speed | |
IWDL | Internal Wireless Data Link |
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By Osmar septiembre 22, 2021