I Inertial
I Invoice Card
I/I Inspection/Interval
I/O Input/Output
I/P Input
I/P Intercept Point
I/P Intercept Profile
IAE International Aero Engines
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAS Indicated Airspeed
IAS Inspection Approval Sheet
IASC Integrated Air System Controller
IATA International Air Transport Association
IAW In Accordance with
IAWP Initial Approach Waypoint
IBIT Initiated BITE
IBLC Inter-Bus Line Contactor
IBN Identification Beacon
IBU Integrated Ballast Unit
IC Integrated Circuit
IC Invoice Control Card
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICC Integrated Change Control
ICCAIA Inter Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Asso
ICD Interface Control Document
ICE In Circuit Emulation
ICP Integrated Control Panel
ICPS Integrated Control Panel System
ICS Independent Check Sheet
ICU IGGS Control Unit
ICU IGGS Controller Unit
ICU Isolation Control Unit
ICY Interchangeability
ICY-CS Interchangeability Compliance Sheet
ID Identification
ID Inside Diameter
ID PL Identification Plate
IDC Instrument Display Catalog
IDENT Identification, Identifier, Identify
IDG Integrated Drive Generator
IDLS Internal Door Locking System
IDP Integrated Data Processing
IDU Interactive Display Unit
IF Initial Fix
IF Intermediate Frequency
IFDDS to be removed
IFE In-Flight Entertainment
IFEC In-Flight Entertainment Center
IFP In Flight Performance Computation Program
IFPA InFlight Performance Application
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IFS Inner Fixed Structure
IFTB In flight Turn back
IGA Intermediate Gain Antenna
IGB Inlet Gear Box
IGDS Inert Gas Distribution System
IGGS Inert Gas Generation System
IGN Ignition
IGSC Inert Gas System Control
IGV Inlet Guide Vane
IGWI Integrated Galley Warming Insert
IIPD Illustrated Initial Provisioning Document
ILLUM Illumination
ILLUMD Illuminated
ILS Instrument Landing System (LOC and G/S)
IM ILS Inner Marker
IMA Integrated Modular Avionics
IMACS Information Management Aircraft-ground Communication System
IMC Indirect Maintenance Cost
IMCC Information Management Common Chassis
IML Integration Maintenance Load
IMM Immediate
IMR Interlock Monitoring Relay
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
IN HG Inches of Mercury
in Inch
IN Inch
INA Initial Approach
INB Inbound
INBD Inboard
INCLG Including
INCR Increase
INCR Increment
IND Indicator
INDEP Independent
INDG Indicating
INFO Information
INHI Inhibit
INHIB Inhibit, Inhibited, Inhibition
INIT Initial(ization)
IN-LBS Inch-pounds
INOP Inoperative
INP Input
INR Inner
INRTL Inertial
INS Inertial Navigation System
INSP Inspection
INST Instinctive
INST Instrument
INSTL Installation
INSTLLD Installed
INSTM Instrumentation
INSUL Insulate, Insulation, Insulator
INT Interior
INT Interrupt
INT Intersection
INTCON Interconnection
INTCP Intercept
INTEG Integral
INTEG Integrally
INTEN Intensity
INTERCOM Intercommunication
INTFC Interface
INTG Integral
INTGT Integrate, Integrating
INTL Internal
INTLK Interlock
INTMD Intermediate
INTMT Intermittent
INTPH Interphone
INTR Interior
INTRG Interrogate, Interrogator
INTRPT Interrupt
INU Inertial Navigation Unit
INV Inverter
INWP Intermediate Waypoint
IOC Indirect Operating Cost
IOM Input/Output Module
IOR Immediate Operational Requirement
IoT Internet of Things
IP Intermediate Pressure
IP Internet Protocol
IP Invoice Packing Card
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog
IPC Intermediate Pressure Bleed Check Valve
IPCOM Internet Protocol Communication
IPCT Initial Provisioning Coordination Team
IPCU Ice Protection Control Unit
IPCV Intermediate Pressure Check Valve
IPD Illustrated Parts Data
IPD Illustrated Provisioning Document
IPD Initial Provisioning Data
IPDU Ice Protection Data Unit
IPL Illustrated Parts List
IPPU Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit
IPRAM Integrated Prerecorded Announcement Module
IPS Incorrect Phase Sequence
IPSM Intelligent Power Supply Module
IPT Inadvertent Power Transfer
IPTCC Intermediate Pressure Turbine Case Cooling
IPV Indicator Para Visual
IR Inertial Reference
IRAN Inspection and Repair As Necessary
IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder
IRDC Interface Remote Data Concentrator
IRDM Integrated Receiver Decoder Module
IRP Integrated Refuel Panel
IRQ Interrupt Request
Irr.M Irritating Material
IRS Inertial Reference System
IRS Inspection Report System
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
ISA Inertial Sensor Assembly
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISB Inspection Service Bulletin
ISB Inter-System Bus
ISDN Integrated Services Data Network
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISDPL Inadvertent Slide Deployment Prevention Light
ISDS In Service Data Sharing
ISDU Inertial Sensor Display Unit (IRS)
ISG Instrument Symbol Generator Unit
ISI In Service Information
ISIS Integrated Standby Instrument System
ISM Illumination Sensor Module
ISM In-Service Monitoring
ISO International Standardization Organisation
ISOL Isolation
ISP Integrated Static Probe
ISPS In-Seat Power Supply
ISPSS In-Seat Power Supply System
ISPSU In-Seat Power Supply Unit
ISS Inertial Sensor System
ISU Inertial Sensor Unit
ISWL Isolated Single Wheel Load
IT Interruption
ITCM Initial Technical Coordination Meeting
ITD Inspection Technical Dossier
ITP In-Trail Procedure
IUL In-Use Light
IV Isolation Valve
IVASEB Integrated Video and Audio Seat Electronic Box
IVS Inertial Vertical Speed
IWDL Internal Wireless Data Link