M Mach
M Mach Number
M Magenta
M Maneuvering Speed (EFIS)
m Meter
M Mode
M/L Mood Lighting
m3 Cubic Meter
MA Maintenance Annunciator
MA Milli-Ampere
MAA Maximum Authorized IFR Altitude
MAAP Members and Associated Partners
MAC Maintenance Action Classification
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MACT Module Application Configuration Table
MADAR Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording Subsystem
MAF Maintenance Access Function
MAG DEC Magnetic Declination
MAG DEC Magnetic Declination
MAG Magazine
MAG Magnetic
MAG VAR Magnetic Variation
Mag.M Magnetized Material
MAGN Magnetron
MAIDS Multipurpose Automatic Inspection and Diagnostic System
MAIN MUX Main Multiplexer
MAIN MUX Main Multiplexer
MAINT Maintenance
MALS Medium Intensity Approach Light System
MALSR Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Runway Align
MAN Manual
MAP Ground Mapping
MAP Master Annunciator Panel
MAP Missed Approach Segment
MAPSP Master Attendant Passenger Service Panel
MAS Milli-Ampere/Seconds
MAS Modification Approval Sheet
MAS Modulated Air System
MASI Mach Airspeed Indicator
MAT Maturity
MAT Multi-purpose Access Terminal
MAWP Missed Approach Waypoint
MAX CLB Maximum Climb
MAX DES Maximum Descent
MAX END Maximum Endurance
MAX Maximum
MB Millibars
mbar Millibar
MBN Metallic Bonding Network
MC Master Change
MC Material Cost
MCA Maintenance Central Access
MCA Major Component Assembly
MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCBF Mean Cycles between Failures
MCC Maintenance Control Center
MCC Modification Customer Chart
MCCT Module Common Configuration Table
MCD Movable Class Divider
MCDL Master Configuration Deviation List
MCDU Multipurpose Control & Display Unit
MCE Motor Control Electronic
MCi Millicurie
MCL Maximum Climb
MCPU Motor Control and Protection Unit
MCR Manufacturer Change Request
MCR Maximum Cruise
MCS Mission Computer Subsystem
MCSU Mechanical Crash Sensor Unit
MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCTI Manufacturing Critical Item
MCU Master Control Unit
MCU Modular Concept Unit
MCUR Mean Cycle Between Unscheduled Removals
MCVL Manual Configuration Variation List
MCW Modulated Continuous Wave
MD Main Deck
MDA Minimum Decision Altitude
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDAU Modular Data Acquisition Unit
mdc mdc
MDCC Main Deck Cargo Compartment
MDCD Main Deck Cargo Door
MDCLS Main Deck Cargo Loading System
MDDU Multipurpose Disk Drive Unit
MDF Medium Frequency Direction Finding Station
MDH Minimum Descent Height
MDL Module
MDR Multiregional DBS (Digital Broadcast System) Receiver
MDU Manual Drive Unit
MDU Multiplier Divider Unit
MEA Minimum En Route IFR Altitude
MEAS Measurement
MEASRG Measuring
MEC Main Engine Control
MECH Mechanic, Mechanical, Mechanism
MED Medium
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MEM Memory
MEO Middle Earth Orbit
MEP Main Executive Program
MES Main Engine Start
MET Meteorological
MEV Main Electro Valve
MEV Million Electron-Volts
MEW Manufacturers Empty Weight
MF Medium Frequencies
MFA Memorized Fault Annunciator
MFD Multifunction Display
MFG Manufacturing
MFP Maintenance Facility Planning
MFP Mixed Fission Products
MFP MultiFunction Probe
MFR IDENT Manufacturer Identification
MFR Manufacturer
MFS MultiFunction Sensor
MFT Multi Functional Team
MFTW Maximum Design Fuel Transfer Weight
MFW Maximum Design Flight Weight
MGB Main Gear Box
MGMT Management
MGT Management
MHE Magnetic Heading East
MHM Maintenance HMI Manager
MHN Magnetic Heading North
MHS Magnetic Heading South
MHSU Magnetic Heading Sensor Unit
MHW Magnetic Heading West
MHZ Megahertz
MI Magnetic Indicator
MIB Management Information Base
MIC Microphone
MICBAC Micro-system Bus Access Channel
MICBAC Micro-System Bus Access Channel
MID Middle
MID Modification Information Document
MIDU Multi-Input Interactive Display Unit
MILA Mini Light Adapter
mile/h Miles per Hour
MIN FUEL Minimum Fuel
MIN Minimum
min Minute
MIN TIME Minimum Time
MIP Maintenance Information Printer
MIP Master Interphone Panel
MIPO Manually Issued Purchase Order
MIPS Maintenance Information and Planning System
MISC Miscellaneous
MJC Maintenance Job Card
MJO Maintenance Job Order
MJSS Maintenance Job Summary Sheet
MKGS Markings
MKR Marker (radio) Beacon
ml Milliliter
MLA Maneuver Load Alleviation
MLAP Maintenance Laptop
MLB Maintenance LogBook
MLC Mood Lighting Controller
MLD Molded
MLFAP Mood Lighting Flight Attendant Panel
MLG Main Landing Gear
MLGB Main Landing Gear Bay
MLI Magnetic Level Indicator
MLIH Magnetic Level Indicator Housing
MLS Microwave Landing System
MLW Maximum Design Landing Weight
MLW Maximum Landing Weight
MM Maintenance Manual
MM Middle Marker
mm Millimeter
mm2 Square Millimeter
mm3 Cubic Millimeter
MMC Maximum Material Condition
MMDB Mechanical Main Data Bank
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MMH/FH Maintenance Man Hours per Flight Hour
MMI Manual Magnetic Indicator
MMO Mach Max Operating Speed
MMO Maximum Operating Mach
MMR Multi-Mode Receiver
Mn Mach Number
MNFOLD Manifold
MNR MATERIAL NonConformity Report
MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MOD Modification
MOD Modulator
MOD/V Modulating Valve
Modem Modulator-Demodulator
MODLTR Modulator
Modman Modem/Manager
MON Monitor, Monitoring, Monitored
MONG Monitoring
MONMT Monument
MOR Modular Overceiling Rack
MORA Minimum Off Route Altitude
MORV Mixer Overpressure Relief Valve
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Metal Oxyde Semiconductor
MOT Motor, Motorized
MP Main Processor
MP Maintenance Practices
MP Modification Proposal
MPA Maximum Power Assurance
MPaT Materials, Processes and Tests
MPB Micro Processor Bipolar
MPD Maintenance Planning Document
MPDS Maintenance Planning Data Support
MPDS Mobile Packet Data Service
MPFAP Multi Purpose Flight Attendant Panel
MPL Maximum Permitted Life
MPPT Maintenance Program Publication Trigger
MPR Multipurpose Register
MPS Maximum Performance Specifications
MPS Multiplex Power Supply
MPU Magnetic Pickup
MPU Modem Processor Unit
MPV Manifold Pressure Valve
MQPB Minimum Quantity Price Break
mr/hr Milliroentgens per Hour
MRA Minimum Reception Altitude
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MRBD Maintenance Review Board Document
MRBR Maintenance Review Board Report
mrem/hr Millirems per hour
MRIU Maintenance & Recording Interface Unit
MRS Malfunction Reporting Systems
MRW Maximum Ramp Weight
MS AI Maintenance Schedule
MS Military Standard
MSA Minimum Safe Altitude
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSC Maintenance Steering Committee
MSCN Manufacturer Specification Change Notice
MSD Mass Storage Device
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MSG Maintenance Steering Group
MSG Message
MSI Maintenance Significant Item
MSI Medium Scale Integrated
MSL Maintenance Significant Item List
MSL Maintenance System Load
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSM Monitoring System Module
MSN Manufacturer Serial Number
MSTR Master
MSU Magnetic Sensor Unit
MSU Media Server Unit
MSU Mode Selector Unit (IRS)
MSU Motor Switching Unit
MSW Microswitch
MT Mount
MTBD Mean Time Between Defects
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTBI Mean Time Between Inspection
MTBIFS Mean Time Between In Flight Shut-down
MTBPR Mean Time Between Premature Removals
MTBR Mean Time Between Removals
MTBT Mean Time Between Trouble
MTBUR Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals
MTD Maintenance Training Device
MTE Manual Test Equipment
MTG Mounting
MTGC Mounting Center
MTI Multi Tank Indicator
MTN Motion
MTO M{t{o
MTO Maximum Take-Off
MTOGW Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTOP Maintenance Task Operating Plan
MTOW Maximum Design Takeoff Weight
MTOW Maximum Takeoff Weight
MTP Maintenance and Test Panel (AFS)
MTR Manufacturing Tolerance Requirement
MTR Meter
MTS Maintenance Training Simulator
MTTF Mean Time to Failure
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
MTTUR Mean Time to Unscheduled Removal
MTUR Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals
MTW Maximum Design Taxi Weight
MTW Maximum Taxi Weight
MTXW Maximum Taxi Weight
MU Management Unit
MUX Multiplex, Multiplexer
MV Multivibrator
MVDR Multiple VHF Data Radio
MVT Movement
MWARN Master Warning
MWC Master Warning Computer
MWG Maintenance Working Group
MWP Master Warning Panel
MWS Master Warning System
MXR Mixer
MZFCG Maximum Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
MZFW Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight
MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight