S Minimum Slat Retract Speed (EFIS)
s Second
S South
S/C Step Climb
S/D Step Descent
S/H Sample and Hold
S/MECH Shortening Mechanism
S/N OFF Serial Number of the removed item
S/N ON Serial Number of the New Item (at removal)
S/N Serial Number
S/W Software
SA Single Aisle
SA Stress Analysis
SACL Stand Alone Content Loader
SACU Semi-Automatic Control Unit
SACU Stand Alone Compensator Unit
SAD Spares Advance Data
SAD Stress Analysis Data
SADF Spares Advance Data Form
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF Safety
SAFD Safetied
SAGB Step Aside GearBox
SAL System Address Label
SALS Short Approach Light System
SALSA Spot Array Light Supply Adapter
SAM Stress Analysis Manual
SAOHE Surface Air/Oil Heat Exchanger
SAR Smart Access Recorder
SAR Smart ACMS Recorder
SAS Secondary Air System
SAT Static Air Temperature
SATCOM Satellite Communication
SAV Starter Air Valve
SB Service Bulletin
SBB Swift Broadband
SBDB Service Bulletin Data Base
SBEW Standard Basic Empty Weight
SBI Service Bulletin Index
SBIT Service Bulletin Information Telex
SBIT Service Bulletin Information Trasmission
SBL Symbol
SBS Service Bulletin Effectivity Schedule
SC Scale
SC Single Chime
SC Source Code
SCAV Scavenge
SCE Source
SCFM Standard Cubic Feet Minute of Gaseous Airflow
SCG System Configuration Guide
SCH Schematic
SCI Secure Communication Interface
SCM SDU Configuration Module
SCN Specification Change Notice
SCO Section Control
SCO Section Controller
SCR Screw
SCR Specification Change Request
SCR Supplier Control Review
SCS Single Channel Simplex
SCS Supplemental Cooling System
SCU Supplemental Control Unit
SCU System Control Unit
SCUP Scupper
SD System Display
SDAC System Data Acquisition Concentrator
SDAC System Data Analog Converter
SDAU Special Data Acquisition Unit
SDB Signals Data Base
SDCU Smoke Detection Control Unit
SDF Smoke Detection Function
SDI Source Data Identifier
SDI Source/Destination Identifier
SDL Simple Data Loader
SDM Safety Data Management
SDM Smart Diode Module
SDN System Description Note
SDOF Single Degree of Freedom
SDS Smoke Detection System
SDT Smart Dataloading Tool
SDTM Structure Description Training Manual
SDU Satellite Data Unit
SDW Specific Design Work
SE Section
SE Simplified English
SEAL Sealing
SEB Seat Electronic Box
SEB Service Evaluation Bulletin
SEC Secondary
SEC SECondary Computer
SEC Spoiler Elevator Computer
SECT Section
SEG Segment
SEL Select, Selected, Selection, Selector
SELCAL Selective Calling System
SELV Selector Valve
SEMR System Equipment Maintenance Requirements
SENS Sensitivity
SEP Separator
SEPDC Secondary Electrical Power Distribution Center
SEPDS Secondary Electrical Power Distribution System
SEQ Sequence, Sequential
SER Serial
SER Serial Number
SER/PRL Serial to Parallel
SERNO Serial Number
SES Support Equipment Summary
SET Setting
SF Spot Face
SFAR Special Federal Aviation Regulation
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
SFCC Sideways Facing Crew Cockpit
SFCC Sideways Facing Crew Configuration
SFCC Slat Flap Control Computer
SFE Seller Furnished Equipment
SFPI Slats/Flaps Position Indicator
SFPM Surface Feet per Minute
SG Starter Generator
SG Stroke Generator
SGCU Smart Galley Control Unit
SGCU Starter Generator Control Unit
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGP Stroke Generator Processor
SGSC Sheddable Ground Servicing Contactor
SGU Symbol Generator Unit
SH ABS Shock Absorber
SH ABS Shock Absorber
SH Sheet
SHADE Schedules Airbus Data Exchange
SHCM System Heating Control Module
SHDBL Sheddable
SHED Sheddable, Shedding
SHKR Shaker
SHLD Shield, Shielding
SHN Scratch Hardness Number
SHPNG Shipping
SHR PN Shear Pin
SHR PN Shear Pin
SHRD Shroud
SHT Short
SI Slip Indicator
SI Systeme International
SIAP Structural Inspection Adjustment Program
SIC System Isolation Contactor
SICU System Interface Control Unit
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SID System Identification Data
SID System Interface Definition
SIF Selective Identification Feature
SIF Spares Information File
SIG Signal
SIL Service Information Letter
SIL Speech Interference Level
SIM Simulation
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIN Sine
SIR Service Identification Request
SIRU Secure Interface Router Unit
SIS Spares Investment Study
SIS Standalone Identification System
SISD System Installation Specification Dossier
SITR System Installation Technical Reference
SIU Server Interface Unit
SIV Standard Item Variations
SKT Socket
SL ALI Safe Life Airworthiness Limitation Items
SL Sea Level
SL Service Letter
SLA Small Light Adapter
SLA Spot Light Adapter
SLC Starter Line Contactor
SLCA Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment
SLD Slide, Sliding
SLP Space Limited Payload
SLS Satellite Landing System
SLS Selective Laser Sintering
SLS Side Lobe Suppression
SLT Slat
SLV Sleeve
SM Standards Manual
SMART Standard Modular Avionics Repair and Test
SMC System Manager Controller
SMEL Seat-Mounted Emergency Light
SMK Smoke
SMKG Smoking
SML SB Modification Crossreference List
SMM System Management Module
SMO Stabilized Master Oscillator
SMR Schedule Maintenance Report
SN Serial Number
SNGL Single
SNIF Sensitivity for Normal Interface
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNSG Sensing
SNSR Sensor
SO Shutoff
SOL Solenoid
SOMF Structural Overload Monitoring Function
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOS Sell or Scrap
SOTM System Operation Training Manual
SOV Shut-off Valve
SOV Shut-Off Valve
SOW Statement of Work
SP Sampling
SP Space
SPAD Scratchpad
SPASE Single Point Audio System Earth
SPATIAL System for Acquisition and Processing of ARINC and Logic
SPB Seat Power Box
SPC Spare Parts Classification
SPD Speed
SPD/M Speed-Mach
SPDB Secondary Power Distribution Box
SPE Seller Purchased Equipment
SPEC Specification
SPF Specific Pathogen Free
SPFK Specific
SPKR Speaker
SPL Sound Pressure Level
SPLC Splice
SPLR Spoiler
SPLY Supply
SPM Signal Processing Module
SPM Standard Practices Manual
SPMC Service Process Material Control
SPMG Shorted Permanent Magnet Generator
SPOP Service Process Operation Procedure
SPP Software Pin Programming
SPP-BA SPP Broadcasting Application
SPPU Station Position Pick-off Unit
SPR Service and Performance Report
SPR Spar
SPRDR Spreader
SPRT Support
SPS Seat Power Supply
SPS Service Process Solution
SPS/B Superseded by
SPSS Seat Power Supply System
SPST Single Pole Single Throw
SPU Starter Power Unit
SQ Squelch
SQ-FT Square-Feet
SQW Square Wave
SR Senior
SRD Shorted Rotating Diode
SRE Surveillance Radar Element of GCA
SRF Servicing and aircraft condition parameters Reporting Function
SRI aircraft Structural Repair Identification
SRKM Structural Repair Kit Manual
SRM Structural Repair Manual
SRPS Safe Redundant Power Supply
SRPSU Slide Release Power Supply Unit
SRPU Safe Redundant Power Unit
SRS Speed Reference System
SRU Shop Replaceable Unit
SS Sky/Shading
SSA Side Slip Angle
SSA System Safety Assessment
SSALS Simplified Short Approach Light System
SSALSR Simplified Short Approach Light System Runway Alignment
SSB Single Side Band
SSC Single Stroke Chime
SSCM Stabiliser Struts Control Manifold
SSCVR Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder
SSE Significant Structural Element
SSEC Static Source Error Correction
SSFDR Solid State Flight Data Recorder
SSG System Configuration Guide
SSI Structural Significant Item
SSID Service Set Identifier
SSM Sign Status Matrix
SSM Solid State Memory
SSMM Solid State Mass Memory
SSP Significant In-Service Problems
SSP System Signal Processor
SSP System Specification
SSPC Solid State Power Controller
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
SSTDU Side Stick Transducer and Damper Unit
SSTU Side Stick Transducer Unit
SSU Side Stick Unit
STA Station
STA Straight-in-Approach
STAB Stabilizer
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STARTG Starting
STAT Static
STBY Standby
STC Supplemental Type Certificate (FAA)
STD Standard
STDY Steady
STELLA STair Electrical Light Lead Adapter
STELLA STair Electrical Light Load Adapter
STG Stage
STGR Stringer
STIF Stiffener
STL Steel
STL System Torque Limiter
STL WARN Stall Warning
STOM System Operation Training Manual
STR Specific Key Characteristic
STR Specific Tolerance Requirement
STR Stringer
STRG Steering
STRK Stroke
STRL Structural
STRM Secure open and Trip Resident Memory
STRUCT Structure
STS Alignment Status
STS Status
STWG Stowage
STYPPLE Sensitive Typical Phone Power Level
SUBMUX Submultiplexer
SUCNL ACTN Successional Action
SUCT Suction
SUM Summing
SUPPL Supplementary
SUPPR Suppressor
SUPSD BY Superseded by
SURF Surface
SURV Surveillance
SV Servovalve
SVA Stator Vane Actuator
SVCE Service
SVMTR Servomotor
SVO Servo
SVS Synthetic Vision System
SW Switch
SWTG Switching
SWY Stopway
SyDMP System Design Modification Plan
SyDPAP System Development and Process Assurance Plan
SyFAR System FAL Acceptance Review
SyFFR System First Flight Review
SYM Symmetry
SYN REF Synchro Reference
SYNC Synchro, Synchronise
SYNTHR Synthesizer
SYNTHR Synthetizer
SyPDR System Preliminary Design Review
SyPR System Planning Review
SYS System