S | ||
S | Minimum Slat Retract Speed (EFIS) | |
s | Second | |
S | South | |
S/C | Step Climb | |
S/D | Step Descent | |
S/H | Sample and Hold | |
S/MECH | Shortening Mechanism | |
S/N OFF | Serial Number of the removed item | |
S/N ON | Serial Number of the New Item (at removal) | |
S/N | Serial Number | |
S/W | Software | |
SA | Single Aisle | |
SA | Stress Analysis | |
SACL | Stand Alone Content Loader | |
SACU | Semi-Automatic Control Unit | |
SACU | Stand Alone Compensator Unit | |
SAD | Spares Advance Data | |
SAD | Stress Analysis Data | |
SADF | Spares Advance Data Form | |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
SAF | Safety | |
SAFD | Safetied | |
SAGB | Step Aside GearBox | |
SAL | System Address Label | |
SALS | Short Approach Light System | |
SALSA | Spot Array Light Supply Adapter | |
SAM | Stress Analysis Manual | |
SAOHE | Surface Air/Oil Heat Exchanger | |
SAR | Smart Access Recorder | |
SAR | Smart ACMS Recorder | |
SAS | Secondary Air System | |
SAT | Static Air Temperature | |
SATCOM | Satellite Communication | |
SAV | Starter Air Valve | |
SB | Service Bulletin | |
SBB | Swift Broadband | |
SBDB | Service Bulletin Data Base | |
SBEW | Standard Basic Empty Weight | |
SBI | Service Bulletin Index | |
SBIT | Service Bulletin Information Telex | |
SBIT | Service Bulletin Information Trasmission | |
SBL | Symbol | |
SBS | Service Bulletin Effectivity Schedule | |
SC | Scale | |
SC | Single Chime | |
SC | Source Code | |
SCAV | Scavenge | |
SCE | Source | |
SCFM | Standard Cubic Feet Minute of Gaseous Airflow | |
SCG | System Configuration Guide | |
SCH | Schematic | |
SCI | Secure Communication Interface | |
SCM | SDU Configuration Module | |
SCN | Specification Change Notice | |
SCO | Section Control | |
SCO | Section Controller | |
SCR | Screw | |
SCR | Specification Change Request | |
SCR | Supplier Control Review | |
SCS | Single Channel Simplex | |
SCS | Supplemental Cooling System | |
SCU | Supplemental Control Unit | |
SCU | System Control Unit | |
SCUP | Scupper | |
SD | System Display | |
SDAC | System Data Acquisition Concentrator | |
SDAC | System Data Analog Converter | |
SDAU | Special Data Acquisition Unit | |
SDB | Signals Data Base | |
SDCU | Smoke Detection Control Unit | |
SDF | Smoke Detection Function | |
SDI | Source Data Identifier | |
SDI | Source/Destination Identifier | |
SDL | Simple Data Loader | |
SDM | Safety Data Management | |
SDM | Smart Diode Module | |
SDN | System Description Note | |
SDOF | Single Degree of Freedom | |
SDS | Smoke Detection System | |
SDT | Smart Dataloading Tool | |
SDTM | Structure Description Training Manual | |
SDU | Satellite Data Unit | |
SDW | Specific Design Work | |
SE | Section | |
SE | Simplified English | |
SEAL | Sealing | |
SEB | Seat Electronic Box | |
SEB | Service Evaluation Bulletin | |
SEC | Secondary | |
SEC | SECondary Computer | |
SEC | Spoiler Elevator Computer | |
SECT | Section | |
SEG | Segment | |
SEL | Select, Selected, Selection, Selector | |
SELCAL | Selective Calling System | |
SELV | Selector Valve | |
SEMR | System Equipment Maintenance Requirements | |
SENS | Sensitivity | |
SEP | Separator | |
SEPDC | Secondary Electrical Power Distribution Center | |
SEPDS | Secondary Electrical Power Distribution System | |
SEQ | Sequence, Sequential | |
SER | Serial | |
SER | Serial Number | |
SER/PRL | Serial to Parallel | |
SERNO | Serial Number | |
SES | Support Equipment Summary | |
SET | Setting | |
SF | Spot Face | |
SFAR | Special Federal Aviation Regulation | |
SFC | Specific Fuel Consumption | |
SFCC | Sideways Facing Crew Cockpit | |
SFCC | Sideways Facing Crew Configuration | |
SFCC | Slat Flap Control Computer | |
SFE | Seller Furnished Equipment | |
SFPI | Slats/Flaps Position Indicator | |
SFPM | Surface Feet per Minute | |
SG | Starter Generator | |
SG | Stroke Generator | |
SGCU | Smart Galley Control Unit | |
SGCU | Starter Generator Control Unit | |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language | |
SGP | Stroke Generator Processor | |
SGSC | Sheddable Ground Servicing Contactor | |
SGU | Symbol Generator Unit | |
SH ABS | Shock Absorber | |
SH ABS | Shock Absorber | |
SH | Sheet | |
SHADE | Schedules Airbus Data Exchange | |
SHCM | System Heating Control Module | |
SHDBL | Sheddable | |
SHED | Sheddable, Shedding | |
SHKR | Shaker | |
SHLD | Shield, Shielding | |
SHN | Scratch Hardness Number | |
SHPNG | Shipping | |
SHR PN | Shear Pin | |
SHR PN | Shear Pin | |
SHRD | Shroud | |
SHT | Short | |
SI | Slip Indicator | |
SI | Systeme International | |
SIAP | Structural Inspection Adjustment Program | |
SIC | System Isolation Contactor | |
SICU | System Interface Control Unit | |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure | |
SID | System Identification Data | |
SID | System Interface Definition | |
SIF | Selective Identification Feature | |
SIF | Spares Information File | |
SIG | Signal | |
SIL | Service Information Letter | |
SIL | Speech Interference Level | |
SIM | Simulation | |
SIM | Subscriber Identity Module | |
SIN | Sine | |
SIR | Service Identification Request | |
SIRU | Secure Interface Router Unit | |
SIS | Spares Investment Study | |
SIS | Standalone Identification System | |
SISD | System Installation Specification Dossier | |
SITR | System Installation Technical Reference | |
SIU | Server Interface Unit | |
SIV | Standard Item Variations | |
SKT | Socket | |
SL ALI | Safe Life Airworthiness Limitation Items | |
SL | Sea Level | |
SL | Service Letter | |
SLA | Small Light Adapter | |
SLA | Spot Light Adapter | |
SLC | Starter Line Contactor | |
SLCA | Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment | |
SLD | Slide, Sliding | |
SLP | Space Limited Payload | |
SLS | Satellite Landing System | |
SLS | Selective Laser Sintering | |
SLS | Side Lobe Suppression | |
SLT | Slat | |
SLV | Sleeve | |
SM | Standards Manual | |
SMART | Standard Modular Avionics Repair and Test | |
SMC | System Manager Controller | |
SMEL | Seat-Mounted Emergency Light | |
SMK | Smoke | |
SMKG | Smoking | |
SML | SB Modification Crossreference List | |
SMM | System Management Module | |
SMO | Stabilized Master Oscillator | |
SMR | Schedule Maintenance Report | |
SN | Serial Number | |
SNGL | Single | |
SNIF | Sensitivity for Normal Interface | |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | |
SNSG | Sensing | |
SNSR | Sensor | |
SO | Shutoff | |
SOL | Solenoid | |
SOMF | Structural Overload Monitoring Function | |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure | |
SOS | Sell or Scrap | |
SOTM | System Operation Training Manual | |
SOV | Shut-off Valve | |
SOV | Shut-Off Valve | |
SOW | Statement of Work | |
SP | Sampling | |
SP | Space | |
SPAD | Scratchpad | |
SPASE | Single Point Audio System Earth | |
SPATIAL | System for Acquisition and Processing of ARINC and Logic | |
SPB | Seat Power Box | |
SPC | Smart PCMCIA Card | |
SPC | Spare Parts Classification | |
SPD | Speed | |
SPD/M | Speed-Mach | |
SPDB | Secondary Power Distribution Box | |
SPE | Seller Purchased Equipment | |
SPEC | Specification | |
SPF | Specific Pathogen Free | |
SPFK | Specific | |
SPKR | Speaker | |
SPL | Sound Pressure Level | |
SPLC | Splice | |
SPLR | Spoiler | |
SPLY | Supply | |
SPM | Signal Processing Module | |
SPM | Standard Practices Manual | |
SPMC | Service Process Material Control | |
SPMG | Shorted Permanent Magnet Generator | |
SPOP | Service Process Operation Procedure | |
SPP | Software Pin Programming | |
SPP-BA | SPP Broadcasting Application | |
SPPU | Station Position Pick-off Unit | |
SPR | Service and Performance Report | |
SPR | Spar | |
SPRDR | Spreader | |
SPRT | Support | |
SPS | Seat Power Supply | |
SPS | Service Process Solution | |
SPS/B | Superseded by | |
SPSS | Seat Power Supply System | |
SPST | Single Pole Single Throw | |
SPU | Starter Power Unit | |
SQ | Squelch | |
SQ-FT | Square-Feet | |
SQW | Square Wave | |
SR | Senior | |
SRD | Shorted Rotating Diode | |
SRE | Surveillance Radar Element of GCA | |
SRF | Servicing and aircraft condition parameters Reporting Function | |
SRI | aircraft Structural Repair Identification | |
SRKM | Structural Repair Kit Manual | |
SRM | Structural Repair Manual | |
SRPS | Safe Redundant Power Supply | |
SRPSU | Slide Release Power Supply Unit | |
SRPU | Safe Redundant Power Unit | |
SRS | Speed Reference System | |
SRU | Shop Replaceable Unit | |
SS | Sky/Shading | |
SSA | Side Slip Angle | |
SSA | System Safety Assessment | |
SSALS | Simplified Short Approach Light System | |
SSALSR | Simplified Short Approach Light System Runway Alignment | |
SSB | Single Side Band | |
SSC | Single Stroke Chime | |
SSCM | Stabiliser Struts Control Manifold | |
SSCVR | Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder | |
SSE | Significant Structural Element | |
SSEC | Static Source Error Correction | |
SSFDR | Solid State Flight Data Recorder | |
SSG | System Configuration Guide | |
SSI | Structural Significant Item | |
SSID | Service Set Identifier | |
SSM | Sign Status Matrix | |
SSM | Solid State Memory | |
SSMM | Solid State Mass Memory | |
SSP | Significant In-Service Problems | |
SSP | System Signal Processor | |
SSP | System Specification | |
SSPC | Solid State Power Controller | |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar | |
SSTDU | Side Stick Transducer and Damper Unit | |
SSTU | Side Stick Transducer Unit | |
SSU | Side Stick Unit | |
STA | Station | |
STA | Straight-in-Approach | |
STAB | Stabilizer | |
STAR | Standard Terminal Arrival Route | |
STARTG | Starting | |
STAT | Static | |
STBY | Standby | |
STC | Supplemental Type Certificate (FAA) | |
STD | Standard | |
STDY | Steady | |
STELLA | STair Electrical Light Lead Adapter | |
STELLA | STair Electrical Light Load Adapter | |
STG | Stage | |
STGR | Stringer | |
STIF | Stiffener | |
STL | Steel | |
STL | System Torque Limiter | |
STL | WARN Stall Warning | |
STOM | System Operation Training Manual | |
STR | Specific Key Characteristic | |
STR | Specific Tolerance Requirement | |
STR | Stringer | |
STRG | Steering | |
STRK | Stroke | |
STRL | Structural | |
STRM | Secure open and Trip Resident Memory | |
STRUCT | Structure | |
STS | Alignment Status | |
STS | Status | |
STWG | Stowage | |
STYPPLE | Sensitive Typical Phone Power Level | |
SUBMUX | Submultiplexer | |
SUCNL ACTN | Successional Action | |
SUCT | Suction | |
SUM | Summing | |
SUPPL | Supplementary | |
SUPPR | Suppressor | |
SUPSD BY | Superseded by | |
SURF | Surface | |
SURV | Surveillance | |
SV | Servovalve | |
SVA | Stator Vane Actuator | |
SVCE | Service | |
SVMTR | Servomotor | |
SVO | Servo | |
SVS | Synthetic Vision System | |
SW | Switch | |
SWTG | Switching | |
SWY | Stopway | |
SyDMP | System Design Modification Plan | |
SyDPAP | System Development and Process Assurance Plan | |
SyFAR | System FAL Acceptance Review | |
SyFFR | System First Flight Review | |
SYM | Symmetry | |
SYN REF | Synchro Reference | |
SYNC | Synchro, Synchronise | |
SYNTHR | Synthesizer | |
SYNTHR | Synthetizer | |
SyPDR | System Preliminary Design Review | |
SyPR | System Planning Review | |
SYS | System |
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By Osmar septiembre 23, 2021