F | ||
F | Fahrenheit | |
F | Fuel | |
F | Minimum Flap Retract Speed (EFIS) | |
F/C | First Class | |
F/CTL | Flight Controls | |
F/E | Flight Engineer | |
F/O | First Officer | |
F/S | Fast/Slow | |
F/U | Follow-Up | |
F/W | Failure Warning | |
F3D | Full 3D | |
FA | Course from a Fixed Waypoint to an Altitude Termination | |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration | |
FAC | Flight Augmentation Computer | |
FACS | Flight Augmentation Computer System | |
FADEC | Full Authority Digital Engine Control | |
FAF | Final Approach Fix | |
FAIL | Failed, Failure | |
FAIR | Fairing | |
FAL | Final Assembly Line | |
FAL | Fuel Airworthiness Limitations | |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System | |
FAOM | Flight Attendant Operating Manual | |
FAP | Flight Attendant Panel | |
FAP | Forward Attendant Panel | |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulations | |
FAS | Flight Augmentation System | |
FAV | Fan Air Valve | |
FAWP | Final Approach Waypoint | |
FBB | Fasten Bed Belt | |
FBS | Fixed Base Simulator | |
FBW | Fly-by-wire | |
FC | Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a Changeover Point | |
FC | Freight Container Train | |
FC | Fully Closed | |
FC | Functional Class | |
FCC | Flight Control Computer | |
FCC | Flight Control Contactor | |
FCCS | Flight Control Computer System | |
FCCU | Flight Control Computer Unit | |
FCD | Fan Cowl Door | |
FCD | Flight Crew Data | |
FCD | Full Color Display | |
FCD55 | Full Color Display 5 inch x 5 inch | |
FCDC | Flight Control Data Concentrator | |
FCGS | Flight Control and Guidance System | |
FCGU | Flight Control and Guidance Unit | |
FCMC | Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer | |
FCMS | Fuel Control Monitoring System | |
FCOM | Flight Crew Operating Manual | |
FCPC | Flight Control Primary Computer | |
FCPI | Flight Control Position Indicator | |
FCR | Flight Crew Report | |
FCRC | Flight Crew Rest Compartment | |
FCRM | Flight Control Remote Module | |
FCS | Fuel characteristics sensor | |
FCSC | Flight Control Secondary Computer | |
FCST | Forecast | |
FCTM | Flight Crew Training Manual | |
FCTN | Function | |
FCU | Flight Control Unit | |
FCU | Flush Control Unit | |
FCU | Fuel Control Unit | |
FCV | Flow Control Valve | |
FCZ | Forward Core Zone | |
FD | Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a DME Distance | |
FD | Flight Director | |
FD | Fuselage Datum | |
FDAC | Full Digital AGU Controller | |
FDAU | Flight Data Acquisition Unit | |
FDB | Floor Disconnect Box | |
FDBK | Feedback | |
FDC | Fuel Data Concentrator | |
FDCE | Flight Deck and Cabin Effects | |
FDD | Floppy Disk Drive | |
FDE | Flight Deck Effect | |
FDEP | Flight Data Entry Panel | |
FDIAF | Flight Data Interface/Acquisition Function | |
FDIF | Flight Data Interface Function | |
FDIMU | Flight Data Interface and Management Unit | |
FDIU | Flight Data Interface Unit | |
FDM | Fused Deposition Modelling | |
FDR | Flight Data Recorder | |
FDRS | Flight Data Recording System | |
FDS | Fire Detection System | |
FDSU | Flight Data Storage Unit | |
FDU | Fire Detection Unit | |
FE | Flight Envelope | |
FEC | Flight Envelope Computer | |
FEDC | Fire Extinguishing Data Converter | |
FEDR | Feeder | |
FEGV | Fan Exit Guide Vane | |
FEM | Finite Element Model | |
FES | Fire Extinguishing System | |
FESRA | Fire, Explosion and Smoke Risks Analysis | |
FET | Field Effect Transistor | |
FEW | Fleet Empty Weight | |
FEX | Fire EXtinguishing | |
FF | Fuel Flow | |
FFCC | Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Concept | |
FFCC | Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Configuration | |
FFCCV | Fan Frame Compressor Case Vertical | |
FFCCV | Forward Flange Compressor Casing Vibration | |
FFCM | Free Fall Control Module | |
FFL | Flip Flop Latch | |
FFP | Fixed Firm Price | |
FFS | Full Flight Simulator | |
FFSU | Fixed Frequency Supply Unit | |
FG | Flight Guidance | |
F-G/S | FLS Glide Slope | |
FGE | Flight Guidance and Envelope | |
FGES | Flight Guidance and Envelope System | |
FGN | Foreign | |
FGS | Flight Guidance System | |
FH | Flight Hours | |
FIDS | Fault Isolation and Detection System | |
FIFO | First Input/First Output | |
FIG | Figure | |
FIL | Filament | |
FIL | Fillet | |
FIL | H Fillister Head | |
FILG | Filling | |
FIM | Fault Isolation Manual | |
FIN | Functional Item Number | |
FIR | Full Indicator Reading | |
FIS | Flight Information Services | |
FIX | Fixed | |
FL | Flight Level | |
FL | Flood | |
FL | Floor | |
FL | Flow | |
FL | Fluid | |
FLA | Flight Lock Actuator | |
Fla.G | Flammable Compressed Gas | |
Fla.L | Flammable Liquid | |
Fla.S | Flammable Solid | |
FLC | Feel and Limitation Computer | |
FLD | Field | |
FLD | Floor Level Display | |
FLDK | Flight Deck | |
FLE | Fixed Leading Edge | |
FLEX | Flexible | |
FLG | Flange | |
FLH | Flat Head | |
FLIP | Flight Plan Computation Program | |
FLLT | Flashing Light | |
FLMPRF | Flameproof | |
F-LOC | FLS Localizer | |
FLP | Flap | |
FLR | Floor | |
FLS | FMS Landing System | |
FLSA | Fuel Level Sensing Amplifier | |
FLSCU | Fuel Level Sensing Control Unit | |
FLT CTL | Flight Control | |
FLT | Flight | |
FLTR | Filter | |
FLXTO | Flexible Take-Off | |
FM | Course from a Fixed Waypoint with a Manual Termination | |
FM | Fan Marker | |
FM | Fault Message | |
FM | Flight Management | |
FM | Flight Manual | |
FM | Frequency Modulation | |
FMA | Flight Mode Annunciator | |
FMC | Flight Management Computer | |
FMCS | Flight Management Computer System (FMC and CDU) | |
FMCU | Flight Management Computer Unit | |
FME | Flow Metering Equipment | |
FMEA | Failure Mode Effect Analysis | |
FMGC | Flight Management and Guidance Computer | |
FMGC-E | Flight Management and Guidance Computer for E-Rudder | |
FMGEC | Flight Management Guidance and Envelope Computer | |
FMGES | Flight Management Guidance and Envelope System | |
FMGS | Flight Management and Guidance System | |
FML | Fiber Metal Laminate | |
FMS | Flight Management System (FMCS and AFS sensors) | |
FMS | Fuel Manifold Staging | |
FMST | Flight Management System Trainer | |
FMU | Fuel Metering Unit | |
FMV | Fuel Metering Valve | |
FNA | Final Approach | |
FNCP | Flight Navigation Control Panel | |
FNL | Final | |
FNSG | Flight Navigation Symbol Generator | |
FO | Flight Order | |
FO | Fully Open | |
FOB | Fuel On Board | |
FOC | Fuel/Oil Cooler | |
FOCT | Flight Operations Consultation Tool | |
FOD | Foreign Object Damage | |
FOD | Fuel Over Destination | |
FODM | Flight Ops Documentation Manager | |
FOHE | Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger | |
FOMAX | Flight Operations and MAintenance eXchanger | |
FOR | DET For Detail | |
FOS | Fuel Operator Station | |
FOT | Flight Operation Telex | |
FOVE | Flight Operations Versatile Environment | |
FPA | Flight Path Angle | |
FPEEPMS | Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking System | |
FPF | Fire Protection Function | |
FPH | Floor Panel Heating | |
FPI | Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection | |
F-PLAN | Flight Plan | |
F-PLN | Flight Plan | |
FPM | Feet per Minute | |
FPM | Floor Path Marking | |
FPMU | Fuel Properties Measurement Unit | |
FPPU | Feedback Position Pick-off Unit | |
FPRM | Fuel Pipe Repair Manual | |
FPS | Fire Protection System | |
FPT | Flight Path Target | |
FPV | Flight Path Vector | |
FQ | Fuel Quantity | |
FQDC | Fuel Quantity Data Concentrator | |
FQI | Fuel Quantity Indicating/Indication/Indicator | |
FQI | Fuel Quantity Indicating/-ion/-or | |
FQIC | Fuel Quantity Indication Computer | |
FQMS | Fuel Quantity and Management System | |
FR | Frame | |
FREQ | Frequency | |
FREX | Support Repercussion Sheet | |
FRM | Fault Reporting Manual | |
FRS | Flammability Reduction System | |
FRT | Front | |
FRU | Frequency Reference Unit | |
FRV | Fuel Return Valve | |
FS | Front Spar | |
FS | Fuselage Station | |
FSA | FlySmart with Airbus | |
FSA-NG | FlySmart with Airbus-New Generation | |
FSB | Fasten Seat Belts | |
FSCM | Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers | |
FSN | Fleet Serial Number | |
FSN | Fuel Spray Nozzle | |
FSOV | Fire ShutOff Valve | |
FSS | Front Secondary Structure | |
FST | Fire/Smoke/Toxicity | |
FSTD | Flight Simulation Training Devices | |
FSTNR | Fastener | |
ft | Feet, Foot | |
ft/mn | Feet per Minute | |
FTB | For the time being | |
FTE | Fixed Trailing Edge | |
FTG | Fitting | |
FTI | Flight Test Installation | |
FTIS | Fuel Tank Inerting System | |
FTK | Freight Tonne Kilometre | |
FTK | Fuel Tank | |
FTMS | Flight Test Management System | |
FTR | Flight Test Request | |
FTRNG | Feathering | |
FTS | Frame Time Select | |
FTSP | Floor Temperature Setting Panel | |
FTTB | Flight Test Tail Bumper | |
FTU | Force Transducer Unit | |
FU | Feedback Unit | |
FU | Fuel Used | |
FUSLG | Fuselage | |
FV | Flux Valve | |
FW | Failure Warning | |
FW | Firewall | |
FWC | Flight Warning Computer | |
FWCD | Forward Cargo Door | |
FWD | Forward | |
FWL | Firewall | |
FWS | Flight Warning System | |
FWSD | Flight Warning and System Display | |
FY | Fiscal Year |
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By Osmar septiembre 22, 2021