F Fahrenheit
F Fuel
F Minimum Flap Retract Speed (EFIS)
F/C First Class
F/CTL Flight Controls
F/E Flight Engineer
F/O First Officer
F/S Fast/Slow
F/U Follow-Up
F/W Failure Warning
F3D Full 3D
FA Course from a Fixed Waypoint to an Altitude Termination
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAC Flight Augmentation Computer
FACS Flight Augmentation Computer System
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAIL Failed, Failure
FAIR Fairing
FAL Final Assembly Line
FAL Fuel Airworthiness Limitations
FANS Future Air Navigation System
FAOM Flight Attendant Operating Manual
FAP Flight Attendant Panel
FAP Forward Attendant Panel
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FAS Flight Augmentation System
FAV Fan Air Valve
FAWP Final Approach Waypoint
FBB Fasten Bed Belt
FBS Fixed Base Simulator
FBW Fly-by-wire
FC Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a Changeover Point
FC Freight Container Train
FC Fully Closed
FC Functional Class
FCC Flight Control Computer
FCC Flight Control Contactor
FCCS Flight Control Computer System
FCCU Flight Control Computer Unit
FCD Fan Cowl Door
FCD Flight Crew Data
FCD Full Color Display
FCD55 Full Color Display 5 inch x 5 inch
FCDC Flight Control Data Concentrator
FCGS Flight Control and Guidance System
FCGU Flight Control and Guidance Unit
FCMC Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer
FCMS Fuel Control Monitoring System
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FCPC Flight Control Primary Computer
FCPI Flight Control Position Indicator
FCR Flight Crew Report
FCRC Flight Crew Rest Compartment
FCRM Flight Control Remote Module
FCS Fuel characteristics sensor
FCSC Flight Control Secondary Computer
FCST Forecast
FCTM Flight Crew Training Manual
FCTN Function
FCU Flight Control Unit
FCU Flush Control Unit
FCU Fuel Control Unit
FCV Flow Control Valve
FCZ Forward Core Zone
FD Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a DME Distance
FD Flight Director
FD Fuselage Datum
FDAC Full Digital AGU Controller
FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit
FDB Floor Disconnect Box
FDBK Feedback
FDC Fuel Data Concentrator
FDCE Flight Deck and Cabin Effects
FDD Floppy Disk Drive
FDE Flight Deck Effect
FDEP Flight Data Entry Panel
FDIAF Flight Data Interface/Acquisition Function
FDIF Flight Data Interface Function
FDIMU Flight Data Interface and Management Unit
FDIU Flight Data Interface Unit
FDM Fused Deposition Modelling
FDR Flight Data Recorder
FDRS Flight Data Recording System
FDS Fire Detection System
FDSU Flight Data Storage Unit
FDU Fire Detection Unit
FE Flight Envelope
FEC Flight Envelope Computer
FEDC Fire Extinguishing Data Converter
FEDR Feeder
FEGV Fan Exit Guide Vane
FEM Finite Element Model
FES Fire Extinguishing System
FESRA Fire, Explosion and Smoke Risks Analysis
FET Field Effect Transistor
FEW Fleet Empty Weight
FEX Fire EXtinguishing
FF Fuel Flow
FFCC Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Concept
FFCC Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Configuration
FFCCV Fan Frame Compressor Case Vertical
FFCCV Forward Flange Compressor Casing Vibration
FFCM Free Fall Control Module
FFL Flip Flop Latch
FFP Fixed Firm Price
FFS Full Flight Simulator
FFSU Fixed Frequency Supply Unit
FG Flight Guidance
F-G/S FLS Glide Slope
FGE Flight Guidance and Envelope
FGES Flight Guidance and Envelope System
FGN Foreign
FGS Flight Guidance System
FH Flight Hours
FIDS Fault Isolation and Detection System
FIFO First Input/First Output
FIG Figure
FIL Filament
FIL Fillet
FIL H Fillister Head
FILG Filling
FIM Fault Isolation Manual
FIN Functional Item Number
FIR Full Indicator Reading
FIS Flight Information Services
FIX Fixed
FL Flight Level
FL Flood
FL Floor
FL Flow
FL Fluid
FLA Flight Lock Actuator
Fla.G Flammable Compressed Gas
Fla.L Flammable Liquid
Fla.S Flammable Solid
FLC Feel and Limitation Computer
FLD Field
FLD Floor Level Display
FLDK Flight Deck
FLE Fixed Leading Edge
FLEX Flexible
FLG Flange
FLH Flat Head
FLIP Flight Plan Computation Program
FLLT Flashing Light
FLMPRF Flameproof
F-LOC FLS Localizer
FLP Flap
FLR Floor
FLS FMS Landing System
FLSA Fuel Level Sensing Amplifier
FLSCU Fuel Level Sensing Control Unit
FLT CTL Flight Control
FLT Flight
FLTR Filter
FLXTO Flexible Take-Off
FM Course from a Fixed Waypoint with a Manual Termination
FM Fan Marker
FM Fault Message
FM Flight Management
FM Flight Manual
FM Frequency Modulation
FMA Flight Mode Annunciator
FMC Flight Management Computer
FMCS Flight Management Computer System (FMC and CDU)
FMCU Flight Management Computer Unit
FME Flow Metering Equipment
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis
FMGC Flight Management and Guidance Computer
FMGC-E Flight Management and Guidance Computer for E-Rudder
FMGEC Flight Management Guidance and Envelope Computer
FMGES Flight Management Guidance and Envelope System
FMGS Flight Management and Guidance System
FML Fiber Metal Laminate
FMS Flight Management System (FMCS and AFS sensors)
FMS Fuel Manifold Staging
FMST Flight Management System Trainer
FMU Fuel Metering Unit
FMV Fuel Metering Valve
FNA Final Approach
FNCP Flight Navigation Control Panel
FNL Final
FNSG Flight Navigation Symbol Generator
FO Flight Order
FO Fully Open
FOB Fuel On Board
FOC Fuel/Oil Cooler
FOCT Flight Operations Consultation Tool
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FOD Fuel Over Destination
FODM Flight Ops Documentation Manager
FOHE Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger
FOMAX Flight Operations and MAintenance eXchanger
FOR DET For Detail
FOS Fuel Operator Station
FOT Flight Operation Telex
FOVE Flight Operations Versatile Environment
FPA Flight Path Angle
FPEEPMS Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking System
FPF Fire Protection Function
FPH Floor Panel Heating
FPI Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
F-PLAN Flight Plan
F-PLN Flight Plan
FPM Feet per Minute
FPM Floor Path Marking
FPMU Fuel Properties Measurement Unit
FPPU Feedback Position Pick-off Unit
FPRM Fuel Pipe Repair Manual
FPS Fire Protection System
FPT Flight Path Target
FPV Flight Path Vector
FQ Fuel Quantity
FQDC Fuel Quantity Data Concentrator
FQI Fuel Quantity Indicating/Indication/Indicator
FQI Fuel Quantity Indicating/-ion/-or
FQIC Fuel Quantity Indication Computer
FQMS Fuel Quantity and Management System
FR Frame
FREQ Frequency
FREX Support Repercussion Sheet
FRM Fault Reporting Manual
FRS Flammability Reduction System
FRT Front
FRU Frequency Reference Unit
FRV Fuel Return Valve
FS Front Spar
FS Fuselage Station
FSA FlySmart with Airbus
FSA-NG FlySmart with Airbus-New Generation
FSB Fasten Seat Belts
FSCM Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
FSN Fleet Serial Number
FSN Fuel Spray Nozzle
FSOV Fire ShutOff Valve
FSS Front Secondary Structure
FST Fire/Smoke/Toxicity
FSTD Flight Simulation Training Devices
FSTNR Fastener
ft Feet, Foot
ft/mn Feet per Minute
FTB For the time being
FTE Fixed Trailing Edge
FTG Fitting
FTI Flight Test Installation
FTIS Fuel Tank Inerting System
FTK Freight Tonne Kilometre
FTK Fuel Tank
FTMS Flight Test Management System
FTR Flight Test Request
FTRNG Feathering
FTS Frame Time Select
FTSP Floor Temperature Setting Panel
FTTB Flight Test Tail Bumper
FTU Force Transducer Unit
FU Feedback Unit
FU Fuel Used
FUSLG Fuselage
FV Flux Valve
FW Failure Warning
FW Firewall
FWC Flight Warning Computer
FWCD Forward Cargo Door
FWD Forward
FWL Firewall
FWS Flight Warning System
FWSD Flight Warning and System Display
FY Fiscal Year