W Watt
W Weight
W West
W White
W Wire
W/V Wind Direction and Speed
WA Wind Angle
WABSIC Wheel And Brake System Integrated Component
WACS Wireless Airport Communication System
WAI Wing Anti-Ice
WAP Wireless Access Point
WARN Warning
WASG World Airlines and Suppliers Guide
WATOG World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary
WBA Weight and Balance Application
WBBC Weight and Balance Backup Computation
WBC Weight & Balance Computer
WBM Weight and Balance Manual
WBS Weight and Balance System
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WC Wording Change
WCR Weight and Balance Compliance Report
WD Warning Display
WD Wing Datum
WD Wiring Diagram
WDB Wall Disconnect Box
WDE Wing Dispense Equipment
WDI Wind Direction Indicator
WDM Wiring Diagram Manual
WDO Window
WDT Watchdog timer
WFOV Wide Field of View
WG Wave Guide
WG Wing
WG Wire Group
WG Working Group
WGD Windshield Guidance Display
WGDC Windshield Guidance Display Computer
WGDS Windshield Guidance Display System
WGL Wireless Ground Link
WHC Window Heat Computer
WHL Wheel
WINDML Windmilling
WIP Wing Ice Protection
WIPCU Water Ice Protection Control Unit
WIPDU Water Ice Protection Data Unit
WIPS Wing Ice Protection System
WIRC Warning - Inhibition - Recall - Clear
WISE World In Service Experience
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WLC Wing Lower Cover
WLDP Warning Light Display Panel
WLG Wing Landing Gear
WLM Wireless LAN Manager
WLP Weight Limited Payload
WLU Wireless LAN Unit
WM Wattmeter
WM Wiring Manual
WMAXOP Maximum Operational Speed
WMEL Wall Mounted Emergency Light
WO Wash-out
WoffW Weight off Wheels
WOJ Weight on Jacks
WOR Wear Out Rate
WOW Weight On Wheels
WPSS Work Package Summary Sheet
WPT Waypoint
WR Weather Radar
WR Weighing Report
WRDC Wheel Remote Data Concentrator
WRG Wiring
WRK Work, Working
WS Wind Speed
WS Wireless System
WSC Window Shade Controller
WSCP Warning and System Control Panel
WSCS Wheel Steering Control System
WSDP Warning and System Display
WSHLD Windshield
WSR Weekly Service Report
WSSG Warning System Symbol Generator
WT Weight
WTB Wing tip brake
WTR Water
WUC Work Unit Cost
WX Weather Mode (ND)
WXR Weather Radar