D | ||
D/A | Digital to Analog | |
D/D | Engine Out Drift Down Point | |
D/LNA | Diplexer/Low Noise Amplifier | |
D/O | Description and Operation | |
DA | Drift Angle | |
DABS | Discrete Address Beacon System | |
DAC | Digital to Analog Converter | |
DAC | Drawing Aperture Card | |
DADC | Digital Air Data Computer | |
DADS | Digital Air Data System | |
DAF | Damping Augmentation Function | |
DaFA | Data For Application | |
DAGM | Dry Air Generation Module | |
DAGS | Dry Air Generation System | |
DAMP | Damping | |
DAMPG | Damping | |
daN | Load (DecaNewton) | |
DAR | Digital ACMS Recorder | |
DAR | Digital Aids Recorder | |
DAR | Digital AIDS Recorder | |
DAS/STC | Designated Alteration Station/Supplemental Type Certific | |
D-ATIS | Digital Automatic Terminal Information System | |
DAU | Data Acquisition Unit | |
DB | Data Base | |
dB | Decibel | |
DB | Decibel | |
dB(A) | A-Weighted Decibel | |
DBBS | Data Base Bulletin Service | |
DBC | Data Bus Communication | |
DBCR | DataBase Change Request | |
DBD | Data Basis for Design | |
DBLR | Doubler | |
DBPS | Display Based Passenger Sign | |
DBTS | Data Broadband Transceiver System | |
DC | Direct Current | |
DCD | Data Control and Display | |
DCD | Decode | |
DCD | Double Channel Duplex | |
DCDR | Decoder | |
DCDU | Datalink Control and Display Unit | |
DCL | Digital Cabin Logbook | |
DCL-CCT | Digital Cabin Logbook - Cabin Configuration Tool | |
DCP | Display Control Panel | |
DCR | Dock on Crew Rest | |
DCRC | Dock on Crew Rest Compartment | |
DCS | Designated Certification Specialist | |
DCS | Direct Current Supply | |
DCS | Double Channel Simplex | |
DCU | Direction Control Unit | |
DCV | Directional Control Valve | |
DCVR | Direct Current Voltage Ratio | |
DDA | Digital Differential Accumulation | |
DDCU | Dedicated Display and Control Unit | |
DDI | Design Drawing Instruction | |
DDI | Documentary Data Insert | |
DDM | Difference in Depth of Modulation | |
DDM | Digital Data Module | |
DDP | Declaration of Design and Performance | |
DDRMI | Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator | |
DDTS | Digital Data Technology Standards | |
DDV | Direct Drive Valve | |
DEC | Declination | |
DECEL | Decelerate | |
DECOMPRESS | Decompression | |
DECR | Decrease | |
DEDP | Data Entry and Display Panel | |
DEF | Definition | |
DEFDARS | Digital Expandable Flt Data Acquisition & Recording Sys | |
DEFL | Deflect | |
DEFOG | Defogging | |
DEFRD | Deferred | |
DEFUEL | Defueling | |
DEG | Degree | |
DEGRADD | Degraded | |
DEL BY | Deleted by | |
DEL | Delay Message | |
DEL | Delete | |
DELTA P | Differential Pressure | |
DELTA P | Differential Pressure | |
DEM | Digital Electronic Module | |
DEMOD | Demodulator | |
DEOA | Door Emergency Opening Actuator | |
DEP | Data Entry Panel | |
DEP | Departure | |
DEPLD | Deployed | |
DEPRESS | Depressurization | |
DEPT | Department | |
DES | Descend | |
DES | Descent | |
DES | Digital Equipment Simulator | |
DEST | Destination | |
DET | Detection, Detector | |
DETECTD | Detected | |
DETNG | Determining | |
DEU | Decoder/Encoder Unit | |
DEV | Deviation | |
DEVN | Deviation | |
DEW | Delivery Empty Weight | |
DEX | Access Demanded | |
DF | Direction Finder | |
DFA | Delayed Flaps Approach | |
DFCV | Dual-Flapper Check Valve | |
DFDAMU | Digital Flight Data Acquisition and Management Unit | |
DFDAU | Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit | |
DFDR | Digital Flight Data Recorder | |
DFDRS | Digital Flight Data Recording System | |
DFIDU | Dual Function Interactive Display Unit | |
DFPPU | Differential Feedback Position Pick-Off Unit | |
DFPRM | Duct and Fuel Pipe Repair Manual | |
DFPRM IPL | Duct and Fuel Pipe Repair Manual Illustrated Parts List | |
DFSOV | Dual Flow and Shut-Off Valve | |
DFT | Drift | |
DG | Directional Gyro | |
DGAC | Direction Generale de lAviation Civile | |
DGI | Digital Input | |
DGO | Digital Output | |
DGPS | Digital Global Positioning System | |
DGTL | Digital | |
DH | Decision Height | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DI | Data Input | |
DI | Deicing | |
DIA | Diameter | |
DIAPH | Diaphragm | |
DIBU | Door Illumination Ballast Unit | |
DIFF | Differential | |
DIM | Dimension | |
DIM | Dimming | |
DIM | Direction Input Module | |
DIMM | Dimmable | |
DIP | Door Indication Panel | |
DIP | Dual In-line Package | |
DIPLXR | Diplexer | |
DIR | Direct, Direction, Director | |
DIR | Direction, Direct, Director | |
DIR TO | Direct to | |
DISC | Disconnect, Disconnected | |
DISC | Disconnection | |
DISCH | Discharge, Discharged | |
DISCNTY | Discontinuity | |
DISCTN | Disconnection | |
DIS-IN | Discrete Input | |
DISRMD | Disarmed | |
DIST | Distance | |
DISTR | Distribute, Distribution, Distributor | |
DITCH | Ditching | |
DITS | Digital Information Transfer System | |
DIU | Digital Interface Unit | |
DIVERTG | Diverting | |
DLC | Direct Lift Control | |
DLCM | Data Loading Configuration Manager | |
DLCS | Data Loading and Configuration System | |
DLK | Data Link | |
DLOAD | Data Loading | |
DLRB | Data Loading Routing Box | |
DLS | Data Loading Selector | |
DLSU | Data Loading Selector Unit | |
DLY | Delay | |
DM | Data Module | |
DM | Dispatch Message | |
DMA | Direct Memory Access | |
DMC | Design Modification Committee | |
DMC | Direct Maintenance Cost | |
DMC | Display Management Computer | |
DMDLTR | Demodulator | |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment | |
DMFF | Door Monitoring and Flight Lock Function | |
DMLS | Direct Metal Laser Sintering | |
DMM | Data Memory Module. | |
DMP | Display Management Processor | |
DMPR | Damper | |
DMU | Data Management Unit | |
DMZ | DeMilitarized Zone | |
DN | Down | |
DNI | Drawing Numerical Index | |
DNLK | Downlock | |
DNLKD | Downlocked | |
DNLNK | Downlink | |
DO | Data Output | |
DO | Design Office | |
DOC | Direct Operating Cost | |
DOC.DATA | Documentary Data | |
DOC9 | Document 9 | |
DOLLI | Dome LED Light | |
DOW | Dry Operating Weight | |
DP | Data Processing | |
DP | Design Principle | |
DP | Differential Protection | |
DPCU | Digital Passenger Control Unit | |
DPDT | Double Pole/Double Throw | |
DPI | Differential Pressure Indicator | |
DPM | Design Progress Meeting | |
DPS | Differential Pressure Sensor | |
DR | Dead Reckoning | |
DR | Door | |
DRIP | Design Response Intended for Playback | |
DRM | Duct Repair Manual | |
DRMI | Distance Radio Magnetic Indicator | |
DRVG | Driving | |
DRVN | Driven | |
DRVR | Driver | |
DS/C | Digital Server/Controller | |
DSAPP | Disappearance | |
DSB | Door Sensor Block | |
DSC | Digital Signature Checker | |
DSCRM | Discriminator | |
DSCRT | Discrete | |
DSCS | Door and Slide Control System | |
DSCS | Doors and Escape Slides Control System | |
DSDL | Dedicated Serial Data Link | |
DSEB | Digital Seat Electronic Box | |
DSENGD | Disengaged | |
DSI | Discrete Input | |
DSIP | Door/Slide Indication Panel | |
DSM | Decorative Sheet Material | |
DSMCU | Doors and Slides Management Control Unit | |
DSMS | Doors and Slides Management System | |
DSO | Discrete Output | |
DSPL | Display | |
DSPLYD | Displayed | |
DSTRK | Desired Track | |
DSUB | D-subminiature | |
DSUG | Drawing Set User Guide | |
DT ALI | Damage-Tolerant Airworthiness Limitation Items | |
DTD | Document Type Definition | |
DTG | Distance to Go | |
DTLL | Document Type Level List | |
DTMF | Dual Tone Multiple Frequency | |
DTMS | Damage Tolerance Monitoring System | |
DTMU | Damage Tolerance Monitoring Unit | |
DU | Display Unit | |
D-ULPA | Double Ultra Low Particulate Air | |
DUM | Dummy | |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disk | |
DVI | Detailed Visual Inspection | |
DVI | Digital Visual Interface | |
DVR | Digital Video Recorder | |
DWC | Drip Water Collector | |
DWG | Drawing | |
DX | Access Demanded | |
DYNMTC | Dynamometric |
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By Osmar septiembre 22, 2021