O Open
O Orange
O/C Open Circuit
O/P Output
O/W Out Standing Work / Outstanding Work
O2 Oxygen (Symbol)
OAMS Onboard Asynchronous Messaging Service
OANC Onboard Airport Navigation Computer
OANS Onboard Airport Navigation System
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBCE On-Board Control Equipment
OBCE-WW On-Board Control Equipment - WorldWide
OBCEww On-Board Control Equipment worldwide
OBOGS On Board Oxygen Generation System
OBRM On Board Replaceable Module
OBS Omni Bearing Selector
OBSV Observation
OBSVR Observer
OC Oceanic Clearance
OC On Condition
OC Open Circuit
OC Order Card
OC Overcurrent
OCCPD Occupied
OCCPNT Occupant
OCED Operator-Customized ECAM Database
OCL Obstacle Clearance Limit
OCM Outflow valve Control Module
OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface
OCSM Outflow valve Control and Sensor Module
OCU Outflow Valve Control Unit
OD Outside Diameter
ODD On Dock Date
ODMS Oil Debris Monitoring System
ODR On-Demand Repository
ODR Operator Differences Requirement
ODSM Open world Data Storage Module
ODU Optical Display Unit
OEA Oxygen Enriched Air
OEB Operating Engineering Bulletin
OEW Operational Empty Weight
OF Overfrequency
OFDM Onboard Flight Data Monitoring
OFF/R Off Reset
OFFR Off/Reset
OFMV Oil Flow Management Valve
OFP Operational Flight Program
OFST Offset
OFV Outflow Valve
OFW Outer False Work
OGV Outlet Guide Vane
OH Opposite Hand
OHDS OverHeat Detection System
OHDU Overheat Detection Unit
OHSC Overhead Stowage Compartment
OHU Optical Head Unit
OIS Onboard Information System
OIT Oil Inlet Temperature
OIT Onboard Information Terminal
OIT Operator Information Telex
OIT Operator Information Transmission
OK Correct
OLIVER Output Level Intended for Very Excellent Reproduction
OLMS Operational Loads Monitoring System
OLW Operational Landing Weight
OM ILS Outer Marker
OM Outer Marker
OM Overhaul Manual
OMM Overhaul Manual Manufacturer
OMS Onboard Maintenance System
OMT Onboard Maintenance Terminal
OMTBF Observed Mean Time between Failure
OMTS On-Board Mobile Telephony System
OMV Overhaul Manual Vendor
ONS Omega Navigation System
OOOI Out of the gate, Off the ground, On the ground, Into the gate
OOT Oil Outlet Temperature
OP Opalescent
OP Operational
OPAL Order Processing Automated Line
OPER Operative/Operation/Operating
OPMS Oleo Pressure Monitoring System
OPNG Opening
OPP Opposite
OPS Operation
OPS Operations
OPSOV Over-Pressure Shut Off Valve
OPT Optimum
OPT Optional
OPTL Optional
OPTS Oleo Pressure and Temperature Sensor
OPU Overspeed Protection Unit
OPU Overvoltage Protection Unit
OPV Overpressure Valve
OR IVCP Operational Reliability Integration Value Creation Project
ORF Orifice
Org Per Organic Peroxide
ORM Onboard Replaceable Module
ORT Owner Requirement Table
ORVD Overpressure Relief Valve with Dump Function
ORZ Omni Range Zero
OS Offerability Specification
OS Operating System
OSC Oscillator
OSCM Oxygen System Control and Monitoring
OSCU Oxygen System Control Unit
OSF Open world Server Function
OSFC Open world Server Function Cabinet
OSG Overspeed Safety Governor
OSP Open Software Platform
OSW Out of Sequence Work
OTOW Operational Take-Off Weight
OTSSU Outboard Transmission Speed Sensor Unit
OU Outlet Unit
OUT Outlet
OUT Output
OUTB Outbound
OUTBD Outboard
OUTFLW Outflow
OUTR Outer
OV Over
OVBD Overboard
OVF Over Frequency
OVFL Overflow
OVHD Overhead
OVHT Overheat
OVLD Overload
OVPRESS Overpressure
OVRD Override
OVSP Overspeed
OVSTEER Oversteer
OVTEMP Overtemperature
OVV Overvoltage
OW Outer Wing
OWD Open World Diode
OWD Overwing Door
OWE Operating Weight Empty
OWS Open World Shell
Oxy M Oxidizing Material
OXY Oxygen
OZ Ounce