O | ||
O | Open | |
O | Orange | |
O/C | Open Circuit | |
O/P | Output | |
O/W | Out Standing Work / Outstanding Work | |
O2 | Oxygen (Symbol) | |
OAMS | Onboard Asynchronous Messaging Service | |
OANC | Onboard Airport Navigation Computer | |
OANS | Onboard Airport Navigation System | |
OAT | Outside Air Temperature | |
OBCE | On-Board Control Equipment | |
OBCE-WW | On-Board Control Equipment - WorldWide | |
OBCEww | On-Board Control Equipment worldwide | |
OBOGS | On Board Oxygen Generation System | |
OBRM | On Board Replaceable Module | |
OBS | Omni Bearing Selector | |
OBSV | Observation | |
OBSVR | Observer | |
OC | Oceanic Clearance | |
OC | On Condition | |
OC | Open Circuit | |
OC | Order Card | |
OC | Overcurrent | |
OCCPD | Occupied | |
OCCPNT | Occupant | |
OCED | Operator-Customized ECAM Database | |
OCL | Obstacle Clearance Limit | |
OCM | Outflow valve Control Module | |
OCS | Obstacle Clearance Surface | |
OCSM | Outflow valve Control and Sensor Module | |
OCU | Outflow Valve Control Unit | |
OD | Outside Diameter | |
ODD | On Dock Date | |
ODMS | Oil Debris Monitoring System | |
ODR | On-Demand Repository | |
ODR | Operator Differences Requirement | |
ODSM | Open world Data Storage Module | |
ODU | Optical Display Unit | |
OEA | Oxygen Enriched Air | |
OEB | Operating Engineering Bulletin | |
OEW | Operational Empty Weight | |
OF | Overfrequency | |
OFDM | Onboard Flight Data Monitoring | |
OFF/R | Off Reset | |
OFFR | Off/Reset | |
OFMV | Oil Flow Management Valve | |
OFP | Operational Flight Program | |
OFST | Offset | |
OFV | Outflow Valve | |
OFW | Outer False Work | |
OGV | Outlet Guide Vane | |
OH | Opposite Hand | |
OHDS | OverHeat Detection System | |
OHDU | Overheat Detection Unit | |
OHSC | Overhead Stowage Compartment | |
OHU | Optical Head Unit | |
OIS | Onboard Information System | |
OIT | Oil Inlet Temperature | |
OIT | Onboard Information Terminal | |
OIT | Operator Information Telex | |
OIT | Operator Information Transmission | |
OK | Correct | |
OLIVER | Output Level Intended for Very Excellent Reproduction | |
OLMS | Operational Loads Monitoring System | |
OLW | Operational Landing Weight | |
OM | ILS Outer Marker | |
OM | Outer Marker | |
OM | Overhaul Manual | |
OMM | Overhaul Manual Manufacturer | |
OMS | Onboard Maintenance System | |
OMT | Onboard Maintenance Terminal | |
OMTBF | Observed Mean Time between Failure | |
OMTS | On-Board Mobile Telephony System | |
OMV | Overhaul Manual Vendor | |
ONS | Omega Navigation System | |
OOOI | Out of the gate, Off the ground, On the ground, Into the gate | |
OOT | Oil Outlet Temperature | |
OP | Opalescent | |
OP | Operational | |
OPAL | Order Processing Automated Line | |
OPER | Operative/Operation/Operating | |
OPMS | Oleo Pressure Monitoring System | |
OPNG | Opening | |
OPP | Opposite | |
OPS | Operation | |
OPS | Operations | |
OPSOV | Over-Pressure Shut Off Valve | |
OPT | Optimum | |
OPT | Optional | |
OPTL | Optional | |
OPTS | Oleo Pressure and Temperature Sensor | |
OPU | Overspeed Protection Unit | |
OPU | Overvoltage Protection Unit | |
OPV | Overpressure Valve | |
OR IVCP | Operational Reliability Integration Value Creation Project | |
ORF | Orifice | |
Org Per | Organic Peroxide | |
ORM | Onboard Replaceable Module | |
ORT | Owner Requirement Table | |
ORVD | Overpressure Relief Valve with Dump Function | |
ORZ | Omni Range Zero | |
OS | Offerability Specification | |
OS | Operating System | |
OSC | Oscillator | |
OSCM | Oxygen System Control and Monitoring | |
OSCU | Oxygen System Control Unit | |
OSF | Open world Server Function | |
OSFC | Open world Server Function Cabinet | |
OSG | Overspeed Safety Governor | |
OSP | Open Software Platform | |
OSW | Out of Sequence Work | |
OTOW | Operational Take-Off Weight | |
OTSSU | Outboard Transmission Speed Sensor Unit | |
OU | Outlet Unit | |
OUT | Outlet | |
OUT | Output | |
OUTB | Outbound | |
OUTBD | Outboard | |
OUTFLW | Outflow | |
OUTR | Outer | |
OV | Over | |
OVBD | Overboard | |
OVF | Over Frequency | |
OVFL | Overflow | |
OVHD | Overhead | |
OVHT | Overheat | |
OVLD | Overload | |
OVPRESS | Overpressure | |
OVRD | Override | |
OVSP | Overspeed | |
OVSTEER | Oversteer | |
OVTEMP | Overtemperature | |
OVV | Overvoltage | |
OW | Outer Wing | |
OWD | Open World Diode | |
OWD | Overwing Door | |
OWE | Operating Weight Empty | |
OWS | Open World Shell | |
Oxy M | Oxidizing Material | |
OXY | Oxygen | |
OZ | Ounce |
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By Osmar septiembre 23, 2021